Author: Matt Hamlyn (original) and Tom Duggan (modifications for ETTC) Publisher: New Jersey Department of Education, Union County Educational Technology Training Center (ETTC) Available at: "Templates," ETTC, ml/templates/template.htm Jeopardy Template Source
Modifications for use with TN Standards Modified for NEMS 6 th Grade Social Studies
1.Add picture of host? 2.Type in category headings, "answers," and "questions." 3.If desired, move the daily double slides (right before any "answer" slides), also changing the hyperlinks from the boards. 4.Run the show. Host and category headings are timed slides. 5.Click on unvisited dollar values on the board to reveal "answers." Instructions 6.If a daily double shows up, wait for the wager and then advance the show. 7.After contestant responds, reveal a correct "question" by advancing the show. 8.Click anywhere on "question" slides to return to the board. 9.Use the star button on the board to go on to next phase of game. 10.For Final Jeopardy, reveal the category, wait for wagers, and then advance the show.
put host here Manifest Destiny
Andrew Jackson 1
Andrew Jackson 2
Texas Revolution
Mexican American War
California Gold Rush
$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $200 $100 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
Nullification and Secession are examples of these type of rights
States’ Rights
This was the name given to the controversy over Jackson’s loss to John Quincy Adams
corrupt bargain
This state threatened to secede from the Union if forced to pay “illegal” tariffs
South Carolina
This constitutional article/principle was at the heart of the nullification controversy
The Supremacy Law
The reason Jackson didn’t win the election of 1824 is because he didn’t win half of this
Electoral Vote
This president’s “common man” background ensured his popularity
Andrew Jackson
This political party accused Jackson of abusing the spoils system
National Republicans
This is the reason South Carolina backed down from its threat of secession
The threat of U.S. forces to see federal laws obeyed
This was the argument Jackson made against the Bank of the United States
He felt that it excluded ordinary U.S. citizens
This is a government permit to operate a Bank of the United States
Members of a church founded by Joseph Smith in 1830
He led Mormon migration to the Great Salt Lake area
Brigham Young
He founded the Mormon Church
Joseph Smith J
This is where the Mormons settled in the west
The Great Salt Lake in Utah
The reason the Mormons left Illinois to go west
They wanted to live where they could safely practice their religion
The term given to the belief that it was America’s fate to expand its borders across the continent from ocean to ocean
Manifest Destiny
He commanded the Texan army in the Texas Revolution
Sam Houston
Texan forces were defeated at this battle
Battle of the Alamo
Santa Anna was captured at this battle
Battle of San Jacinto
Texas chose him as their president after they won independence from Mexico
Sam Houston
These were James K. Polk’s war plans/goals for the Mexican-American War
Capture Mexico City, drive Mexicans out of the disputed border area, and seize California
This was the initial cause of war between the United States and Mexico
Mexico’s attack on General Taylor’s forces in a disputed border area
This was the amount the United States paid Mexico under the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
$15 million
This is what the United States insisted was the border between the United States and Mexico
Rio Grande River
This was the significance of the Wilmot Proviso
It showed a growing movement among the northern states to limit the spread of slavery
This event in 1848 had long lasting effects on California’s economy
Discovery of gold
This was the largest single migration in American history
Forty-niners to California
This was the location where gold was discovered in 1848.
Sutter’s Mill in California
This ethnic group established laundries and opened shops and restaurants after the Gold Rush ended
Chinese immigrants
These groups made huge profits during the California Gold Rush
Boomtown merchants
Mexican American War
He commanded the American Army that captured Mexico City and had the nickname ‘Old Fuss and Feathers’.
General Winfield Scott