The Politics of Aid
I will learn today The world is divided. The world is unequal There are key differences between North and South
Spot the difference?
What do you think this picture is suggesting?
North The heavily industrialised and wealthy countries in the northern hemisphere are known as developed countries These countries share social and economic circumstances such as; High standard of living High levels of literacy Low rates of infant mortality Economies based on industry, commerce, insurance and new technology
South The mainly agricultural and poor countries of the southern hemisphere are also known as the Third World or developing countries These countries also share similar social and economic circumstances such as; Low standard of living Low levels of health care High levels of illiteracy High rates of infant mortality Economies based on limited exports, labour intensive agriculture and poorly skilled means of production
Comparative Indicators UNITED KINGDOM Infant Mortality 7.1 per thousand Life expectancy Males 73 Females 78 GNP (per capita) $16,750 Population doubling Time 267 years SOMALIA / GAMBIA & & 46 $
Infant Mortality Factors affecting Infant Mortality are: High standard of living Well educated parents Good levels of nutrition for mother and child High levels of immunisation against childhood diseases Good medical care and well trained staff Good housing
Grace in Ghana Watch the video, making quick notes about Grace’s life Write a paragraph comparing Grace’s life to yours. Key words may include bed, house, children, death, water, father, m food, job, disease, possessions mother, optimism
Activities Should Read p. 3 and 4 Complete activities 1 and 2 on p. 4. Could Read p. 5 carefully. Complete activities 1, 2 and 3 on p. 6