As an ONTFL member in 2004 you can look forward to: Awesome BUDWEISER Programming & Prizing! Trillium Tour stops with the famous BUDWEISER BIG RIG! New ONTFL equipment provided by BUDWEISER! Great BUDWEISER & BUD LIGHT Beer Sampling! NOW the #1 BEER in CANADA & the WORLD!!!
Each team competes to gather the most LABATT beer receipts at Retail Outlets: LCBO & The Beer Store. (Receipts must be branded – ask your cashier, with no competitive brands) We will accept Budweiser, Bud Light, Keith’s, Blue and Blue Light, brand purchases. BUDWEISER will collect receipts via mail (addressed envelopes) each month from each team captain. The top teams within each season (4 total) with the most case receipts (by expenditure) wins. Draws will be held in the playoff round of each season. Prize of $800 value per team seasonal winner. (Prizes will be dollars towards merchandise, event or league entry at the discretion of the winning teams. Example – Sens Box or Team Jersey’s)
Every ONTFL player receives a BUDWEISER pitcher card. (Team name and seasonal league to be filled out on the back) The card is stamped each time a pitcher of Bud, Bud Light, Blue, Blue Light or Keith’s is purchased. After 8 stamps, the card is submitted to one of our ‘ONTFL Headquarters’ across Ottawa: Broadway Bar and Grill (7), Grace O’Malley’s (3), Meadowlands Pub & Eatery…. More to come! Winning cards receive half team membership for the following ONTFL season. (season designated on card to match season of play) BUDWEISER will purchase 4 half team memberships (one for each season; spring, summer, fall & indoor) from ONTFL for the quarterly draws held during the playoffs of each season.