WSPP MEMBERSHIP New Members Approved 8 New Members in 2004 New Member List Direct Energy Marketing, Inc ATCO Power Canada, Ltd Citigroup Energy, Inc Public Utility District No. 1 of Okanogan County Calpine Energy Management, LP City of St. George Energy Services Manitoba Hydro Merrill Lynch Commodities, Inc.
WSPP MEMBERSHIP WSPP Growth at original filing in at permanent filing in end of 1993 (1st marketer Sept ‘93); 101 by end of ‘95 41 new in ‘96; 42 in ‘97; 28 in ‘98; 7 in ‘99; 18 in ‘00; 237 by end of (net) in ‘01; 11*(net) in ’02; 16 in ’03; 8 in ‘ members total
WSPP MEMBERSHIP Membership by Classification New members approved bring total to 286 Balance of power still maintained (relative to 90%) 56 IOU (20%) 90 Public (31%) 130 Marketer (45%) 10 IPP (4%)
WSPP MEMBERSHIP Member Classifications…. IOU’s 56 Publics 90 Marketers130 IPP’s 10 Total 286