UNX122 UNX122_022_w1_p1 Operating Systems - Unix Instructor: DAVID WARD
Agenda Overview of UNX122 Discuss Course Outline Evaluation Class Standards / Required Materials Purpose of a Network Server Network Servers for First Semester Students
How to Contact Instructor Room #:2105 Telephone #:(416) x Instructor’s Website: cs.senecac.on.ca/~ward cs.senecac.on.ca/~ward Course Website: cs.senecac.on.ca/~unx122
Course Evaluation Labs (online labs)15% Quizzes 5% Tests: Test #1 (coverage: weeks 1-4)20% Test #2 (coverage: weeks 5 - 9)20% Final Exam (comprehensive)40% Total 100%
Class / Course Policies (See Instructor’s Website) Modes of Instruction Attendance / Participation Late Labs Missed Tests Missed Final Exam Things that Annoy Instructor Cheating / Plagiarism
Required Text A Practical Guide to Linux, by Mark Sobell. Publisher: Addison-Wesley; ISBN
Computer Networks Personal computers that are not connected to other computers (via network cards) are referred to as “stand-alone” computers. Institutions such as colleges find it more economical and efficient to connect up personal computers to form a computer network
Advantages of Computer Networks Economical Ability to have many student computer accounts to use the computer’s resources. Ability to share hardware devices such as printers and scanners. Efficient Ability to communicate among users. Efficient method to maintain and upgrade software (I.e. one copy of software on file server - therefore, only upgrade one location). Ability for users to share files.
Network Server A Network Server (usually called just “server”) is a powerful centralized computer with software that allows multiple users to access software applications and data files. The network server may also provide other important services such as network printer management and connection to other networks (e.g. via the Internet)
Network Server Other Network Servers Terminal (Client) Network Server (Central Computer) Communication Medium (e.g. Internet)
Servers for First Semester Students UNX-w1-p1.ppt LEARN Used to read and send student . Phobos and Matrix account username and password will be ed to this account. PHOBOS A Unix computer account used for creating, modifying, compiling and executing C programs in a text-based environment. MATRIX A Linux computer account used for C programming and also used to work in a graphical environment (called KDE).