A Project of the University Libraries Ball State University Libraries A destination for research, learning, and friends
Provide access to scholarly works produced at Ball State University Promote Ball State’s intellectual capital to a worldwide audience Advance open scholarly communication
A key element in the University’s research and publication distribution strategy A means for faculty and students to make their intellectual and creative work globally accessible Broad accessibility and searchability increases number of citations to faculty works
Provides global access through search engines such as Google, the system’s interface, and other indexing tools Ensures long-term preservation of scholarly works Includes variety of types of works ◦ Published and unpublished articles ◦ Lectures and other presentations ◦ Reports ◦ Papers ◦ Administrative documents ◦ Student projects Supports a variety of formats ◦ Text ◦ Photographs ◦ Video ◦ Audio ◦ Data sets ◦ PowerPoint presentations
Cardinal ScholarDigital Media Repository University-FocusedLibrary, University, Community Collections Faculty, students, and staff can add digital works directly through easy-to-use Web-based interface Collections created and mediated by University Libraries personnel Powered by DSpace open-source software CONTENTdm digital content management system
Persistent URLs File formats will be monitored and migrated as needed to ensure continued accessibility University Archives staff will create descriptive tools for deposited university records and will provide reference service to units
Open-source software developed by DuraSpace One of the most popular and user-friendly software used for institutional repositories Little customization needed Supports Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
Registration required to begin depositing ◦ Account creation ◦ Username ◦ address ◦ Password Helpful documents provided ◦ User Guide ◦ Contributor Guide ◦ FAQ Information for administrators, faculty, students, and publishers Browsing options by department, creator, title, and date
Submission process includes page for providing descriptive information Providing as much information in additional fields as possible improves ability of search engines like OAIster and Google to find your work After you click “I Grant the License” during the submission process, item will be available in repository.
For more information or assistance, contact John B. Straw Assistant Dean for Digital Initiatives and Special Collections Ball State University Libraries Bracken Library room 210 (765) Thank you.