8 TH & 9 TH GRADE Registration
Checklist Both 8 th and 9 th graders have a checklist on top of your packet. Read over this and make sure that you follow directions. You and your parents may view the Registration Information including the PowerPoint, course descriptions and registration sheet at the West Hills Counseling Website: n n
Registration Card There are two copies of the registration card. The colored registration has a sticker with your name, student ID, grade and TA teacher. On the card is a space for both you and your parent to sign. Please consider carefully what you sign up for, we are often unable to change classes. We’ll talk about the white one in a few slides.
9 th Grade Card Elective Choices are on the back of the card. To sign up for honors/AP you also need to submit the application. Fill in this section if you are taking summer PST
8 th grade card All of the information is on the front of the card. Indicate what elective class or classes you would like to take if your reading class is waived
Class Descriptions Each grade has a list of classes and then describes the class. If you want to know what you are going to learn in the class read the description. Some classes require instructor approval. A small pencil on the card indicates that a teacher signature is required.
9 th Grade Honors/AP Classes TURN IN APPLICATION BY DUE DATE! Check next to each class you are applying for. Requires student & parent signature. Class descriptions are on the back. Student is responsible to turn in the application to the Counseling Center.
9 th Grade Summer PST 9 th graders can take their PST (P.E.) class during the summer. There are two options. One option is online Another option is either a morning or afternoon class to be taught at West Hills. See the information sheet in your packet for more information. If you are planning on taking the class at WHMS, pick up a sheet outlining the sign up process at the Counseling Center.
White Registration Cards There is a blank white registration card at the back of your packet. You are going to fill this in today and hand it in today. On the “Name” line, put your first and last name. On the “Student #”, put your lunch number You only need to fill in these two items.
9 th Graders Check off which math class you will take next year. On your yellow registration sheet make sure that you get your math teacher’s signature!
8 th Graders Check off which math class you will take next year. On your blue registration card make sure that you get your math teacher’s signature!
Electives 8 th GRADERS Get 1 Elective. This means 1 full year class or 2 semester classes. Be sure to fill in the choice of elective if you don’t have to take reading. 9 th GRADERS -Get 2.5 Electives. This will look like one of the following: - 2 full year classes and 1 semester class -1 full year class and 3 semester classes -5 semester classes
White Registration Card Indicates what you would take if you had to choose today. When you hand in your blue or yellow registration sheet, we’ll shred the white one. We are having you fill in this registration card today so that we get a card from everyone.
DON’T FORGET Blue or Yellow registration card is due on Friday! Turn in in TA! Honor’s Application is due on Friday. Turn the Honors App into the Counseling Center. If you are planning on taking the actual PST class, pick up the information sheet on how to sign up in the Counseling Center. Turn in your blue or yellow registration card on time!