ECE 264 Object-Oriented Software Development Instructor: Dr. Honggang Wang Spring 2013 Lecture 18: More on inheritance and Polymorphism
Lecture outline Announcements / reminders Monday Session(April 15) re-scheduled to April 17, Wednesday; Due April 19, Friday, by 5:00 pm Project Demonstration: April 25 and April 30 Today Review inheritance basics Inheritance examples Polymorphism 2/24/2016 ECE 264: Lecture 18 2
Reviewing inheritance Can take existing code base and Produce specialized version Example: Square is a more specific Rectangle Add extensions Example: Manager class we discussed last time adds extra data/functionality to Employee Existing class: base class New class: derived class Reuses data/functions from base class Inherits (almost) everything Access permissions for base class members set in base class Any class can be a base class can have hierarchy Base class can have multiple derived classes 2/24/2016 ECE 264: Lecture 18 3
4 Constructors and Inheritance Default constructor for a base class is called automatically in the derived class constructor Ex: Manager() calls Employee() Will actually traverse inheritance hierarchy, starting at lowest class If a derived class needs the parameterized constructor of a base class, it must explicitly invoke it in an initialization list Manager::Manager(string theName, float thePayRate, bool isSalaried): Employee(theName, thePayRate) { salaried = isSalaried; } 2/24/2016
Inheritance: Manager methods How would you write the Manager pay function? Here’s where we encounter access, reuse issues Would like to: Return payRate if salaried Call Employee function if not salaried 2/24/2016 ECE 264: Lecture 18 5
Protected data Problem: Manager pay function can’t access private data in Employee class Solution: third type of access specifier: protected Protected data in a class can be directly accessed by Functions within that class Functions within derived classes of that class Still effectively private data to outside world 2/24/2016 ECE 264: Lecture 18 6
Solution: Manager pay function float Manager::pay(float hrsWorked) { if (salaried) return payRate; else return Employee::pay(hrsWorked); } If Employee data declared protected, not private, can directly access it in Manager function Explicitly call Employee version of pay function 2/24/2016 ECE 264: Lecture 18 7
Inheritance syntax class BClass { protected: int var1; private: int var2; public: BClass(); BClass(int v1, int v2); int sum(); }; class DClass : public BClass { private: int var3; public: DClass(); Dclass(int v1, int v2, int v3); int sum3(); }; DClass inherits from BClass Has same data members, functions Can add additional data May not have access protected data are accessible to derived classes Still private to outside world 2/24/2016 ECE 264: Lecture 18 8
Inheritance example class BClass { protected: int var1; private: int var2; public: BClass(); BClass(int v1, int v2); int sum(); }; class DClass : public BClass { private: int var3; public: DClass(); Dclass(int v1, int v2, int v3); int sum3(); }; What statements in the program below cause errors? int main() { BClass b1(2,3); DClass d1(3,4,5); int a = b1.sum(); int b = d1.sum(); int c = d1.var1; int d = d1.sum3(); int e = b1.sum3(); return 0; } 2/24/2016 ECE 264: Lecture 18 9
Polymorphism Polymorphism: Code/operations behave differently in different contexts One example: operator overloading Inheritance-based polymorphism in form of virtual functions Add virtual to function declaration in.h file Why use virtual functions? One benefit of inheritance: code reuse Another benefit: Can write generic code that works for (hopefully) many specific cases Take advantage of fact that derived class “is an” object of base class type (with extra/more specific functions) Virtual functions enable this second benefit 2/24/2016 ECE 264: Lecture 18 10
Virtual functions For example, a base class Animal could have a virtual function eat. Derived class Fish would implement eat() differently than derived class Wolf but you can invoke eat() on any class instance referred to as Animal, and get the eat() behavior of the specific derived class This allows a programmer to process a list of objects of class Animal, telling each in turn to eat (by calling eat()). 2/24/2016 ECE 264: Lecture 18 11
Static binding All methods are, by default, non-virtual methods. Binding of method call is determined by static type of calling object. Example: Employee e1(“John Smith”, 20); Manager m1(“Bob Jones”, 1500, true); e1 = m1;;//Calls pay() defined in //Employee ECE 264: Lecture /24/2016
Object pointers & inheritance Dynamic binding: determine type of object at runtime With inheritance, pointer to base class supports objects of: Base class type Derived class type Pointers also support dynamic binding! Allows us to write general code using base class pointers 2/24/2016 ECE 264: Lecture 18 13
Static vs. dynamic binding Methods default to non-virtual type of object determines method called With virtual method, can use dynamic binding if using pointers or references Example: Employee e1(“John Smith”, 20; Manager m1(“Bob Jones”, 1500, true); Employee *ePtr; e1 = m1; ePtr = &m1;;// Calls pay() defined in // Employee ePtr->pay(40);// Calls pay() defined in // Manager ECE 264: Lecture /24/2016
References and virtual methods Remember: passing arguments by reference essentially passes pointer Can use virtual methods on references Example: float payAnyone(Employee &e, float h) { return; } int main() { Employee e1(“John Smith”, 20; Manager m1(“Bob Jones”, 1500, true); payAnyone(e1, 40);// Calls pay() defined in // Employee payAnyone(m1, 40);// Calls pay() defined in // Manager return 0; } 2/24/2016 ECE 264: Lecture 18 15
Virtual functions and member functions Calling one member function inside another implicitly uses pointers (and therefore dynamic binding) If f1 is a function of class C Calling f1 in another class C function is equivalent to: this->f1(); Example: assume both Employee & Manager have virtual function printPay(float hoursWorked) void Employee::print(float hoursWorked) { cout << “Name: “ << name << endl; cout << “Pay rate: “ << payRate << endl; printPay(hoursWorked);// Uses dynamic // binding; will call // Manager version in // Manager objects } 2/24/2016 ECE 264: Lecture 18 16
Destructors and virtual functions If a class has virtual functions, the destructor should be virtual Often use pointers with dynamic allocation: Employee *ePtr; char eType = ‘e’; while (eType != ‘x’) { cin >> eType; if (eType == ‘e’) ePtr = new Employee(“John Smith”, 20); else if (eType == ‘m’) ePtr = new Manager(“Bob Jones”, 1500, true); if (ePtr != NULL) ePtr->print(40); delete ePtr;// Needs virtual destructors to ensure // either ~Employee() or ~Manager() is // called correctly ePtr = NULL; } 2/24/2016 ECE 264: Lecture 18 17
Example (functions in red are virtual) If we have: Employee e1(“Bob”,25); Manager m1(“Jim”, 40, true); Employee *ePtr; Manager *mPtr; e1 = m1; ePtr = &m1; mPtr = &m1; 2/24/2016 ECE 264: Lecture Employee # name : string # payRate : float + Employee(string theName, float thePayRate) + getName() : string + getPayRate() : float + print(float hoursWorked) + pay(float hoursWorked) : float + printPay(float hoursWorked) Manager # salaried : bool + Manager(string theName, float thePayRate, bool isSalaried) + isSalaried() : bool + pay(float hoursWorked) : float + printPay(float hoursWorked) Which statements are legal? Which function version gets called (for virtual functions)? a. e1.isSalaried(); b. m1.getName(); c.; d. ePtr->pay(40); e. mPtr->print(40); f. e1.printPay(40);
Example solution If we have: Employee e1(“Bob”,25); Manager m1(“Jim”, 40, true); Employee* ePtr; Manager *mPtr; e1 = m1; ePtr = &m1; mPtr = &m1; 2/24/2016 ECE 264: Lecture Employee # string name # float payRate + Employee(string theName, float thePayRate) + string getName() + float getPayRate() + void print(float hoursWorked) + float pay(float hoursWorked) + void printPay(float hoursWorked) Manager # bool salaried + Manager(string theName, float thePayRate, bool isSalaried) + bool isSalaried() + float pay(float hoursWorked) + void printPay(float hoursWorked) Which statements are legal? Which function version gets called (for virtual functions)? a. e1.isSalaried(); ILLEGAL b. m1.getName(); calls Manager.getName() c.; calls d. ePtr->pay(40); calls e. mPtr->print(40); calls Employee.print(40), which calls Manager.printPay(40) f. e1.printPay(40); calls Employee.printPay(40)
Exam 2 Average Score: 85 STD: 8 Solutions will be uploaded today 2/24/2016 ECE 264: Lecture 18 20
Final notes Next time Abstract Classes Acknowledgements: this lecture borrows heavily from lecture slides provided with the following texts: Deitel & Deitel, C++ How to Program, 8 th ed. Etter & Ingber, Engineering Problem Solving with C++, 2 nd ed. 2/24/2016 ECE 264: Lecture 18 21