Harrison Pond water level March to November 2009 The POND group took readings of the water level on the metre stick each week
Readings on the water level stick
March 09 We have taken photos of the pond
7th July 09
10th Sep 09 Now we are taking photos each week to see how the pond changes
15th Sep 09
22nd Sep 09 It is hot and the water is evaporating
29th Sep 09 This is the lowest water level the pond got to. it is a puddle!!!
20th Oct 09
3rd Nov 09
10th Nov 09 It has been raining and the pond is filling up again
17th Nov 09
This is what we would like to do next Here are our ideas I like to go pond dipping it is fun we hope to do more. We would like to freeze some water because we want to find out about ice. Where do all the creatures go in the winter? What is the highest point that the pond will get? We liked doing the video camera meeting