Expanding our Reach: Social franchising outreach and dedicated providers Mame Niang, MD, MPH September 18, 2015
PSI uses many mechanisms to bring services closer to the client, social franchise providers key in this. ▪Mobile outreach with franchised providers ▪Dedicated mobile teams ▪Dedicated providers seconded to public sector ▪“Portes ouvertes” Bringing voluntary FP closer to the client
Context ▪Pop. of DRC ~ 78 M ▪Modern CPR: 8% –15% urban –5% rural ▪28% have an unmet need, mostly for spacing (21%) –30% urban –15% rural ▪57% get modern methods from the private medical sector
PSI/ASF SIFPO Project: 4 SIFPO FAMILY PLANNING MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH HIV WASH Demand Generation & Community Engagement Distribution & Service Delivery 7 out of 11 provinces 800K CYPs
▪Social franchise network: –138 private clinics –276 health providers –138 community mobile educators for IPC and referrals ▪Supported with: –FP equipment –FP commodities through SM –Training, QA, and best practices –Demand creation PSI/ASF Social Franchise
▪Special service days for community members ▪Demand created by IPC agents or word of mouth ▪Free commodities and services ▪415 organized over 11 months ▪40 to 80 women per event Journées portes ouvertes (open doors)
Results: Method Mix (Sept – Aug. 2015) N = 28,834 N = 18,412
Results: Uptake of FP by Age (Sept – Aug. 2015)
Routine services are highly effective in providing short term methods Outreach events such as open days may help expand LARC access Open days may help reach youth Implications and discussions What is in it for the provider? Sustainability?
Thank you ▪SF providers and CHWs ▪USAID ▪PSI/ASF