ClearVision Mid-Semester Presentation Senior Design 1
Team Members Travis Ann Nylin Electrical Engineer Vibration Detection Power Control Josh Vance Electrical Engineer Team Leader Tilt Detection Display Interfacing Clint Howell Computer Engineer Website Design Display Interfacing Vibration Detection Scott Speed Electrical Engineer Tilt Detection Power Control
Outline Problem Problem Solution Solution Constraints Constraints TechnicalTechnical PracticalPractical Sustainability Sustainability Manufacturability Manufacturability Approach Approach Design LayoutDesign Layout Part ConsiderationPart Consideration Progress Progress Going Forward Going Forward
Problem Nissan’s current methods Visual inspection –Inaccurate and inconsistent Prototype device - only tests for tilt and mounts over airbag Nissan needs a device to alert a test driver of possible alignment and/or vibration problems in newly manufactured automobiles.
Solution ClearVision is a tilt and vibration detection device created for Nissan to alert a driver of possible alignment issues as well as vibration issues. ClearVision’s Features Tilt Detection Vibration Detection Data Logging Mounts Above Airbag -7.3° X y
Technical Constraints NameDescription Tilt Detection ClearVision must measure the tilt of the steering wheel to a minimum range of ±90 degrees and be accurate to ±0.5 degrees. Vibration Detection ClearVision must measure the vibration of the steering wheel to a minimum range of ±2 g and be accurate to ±20 mg. Power Consumption ClearVision must operate continuously for up to 8 hours on a single battery charge. Display ClearVision must be able to display the measured tilt and vibration values. Data Logging ClearVision must be able to store data at a rate of 20 Hz for up to 8 hours.
Practical Constraints SustainabilityDurability The device must be durable enough to move from one vehicle to another as it is mounted and dismounted. ManufacturabilitySize The physical dimensions must be 12" x 2" x 4".
Practical Constraints Cont. Sustainability-Durability Frequent movement from one vehicle to another Frequent movement from one vehicle to another It must mount and dismount quickly and securely It must mount and dismount quickly and securely The components must be secure enough to withstand this portability day in and day out for years to come. The components must be secure enough to withstand this portability day in and day out for years to come.
Practical Constraints Cont. Manufacturability -Size Must mount on the steering wheel above the airbag Must mount on the steering wheel above the airbag Inner-Steering wheel dimensions of 12" x 2" x 4“ Inner-Steering wheel dimensions of 12" x 2" x 4“ Component Box dimensions of 6.25” x 2” x 2.5”. Component Box dimensions of 6.25” x 2” x 2.5”.
Design Layout Micro Display USB Accelerometer Inclinometer
Parts Microcontroller Options Microcontroller Cost per 100 Pro/Con PIC 24$2.90/ea Requires additional USB chip ($3.60/ea) Requires additional USB chip ($3.60/ea) LPC 2148$5.56/ea Has onboard USB and Flash Has onboard USB and Flash [1],[2]
Parts Vibration Detection Options Accelerometers Capacitance difference between two micro structures Changes in gravity or acceleration cause the microstructures to move and the capacitance to change accordingly AccelerometerRangeAccuracyComments ADXL322 ±2 g 10 mg Shock survival up to 10 kg Shock survival up to 10 kg Dynamic and Static Acceleration Dynamic and Static Acceleration ADXL202E* ±2 g 2 mg Shock survival up to 1 kg Shock survival up to 1 kg Dynamic and Static Acceleration Dynamic and Static Acceleration [3] [4] [5]
Parts Accelerometer Choice Accelerometer Breakout Board ADXL322 +/-2 g Shock Survival of up to 10 kg [4]
Parts Tilt Detection Options Liquid Capacitive Pool of Mercury As Mercury shifts, capacitance changes Electrolytic Pool of Electrolytic Fluid As the Electrolyte shifts, impedance changes on the probes 3D MEMS Interlocking fingers Fixed and mobile alternating Accelerometer Measures the acceleration due to gravity Measurements are affected by acceleration, shock, or vibration [6][7][8][4]
PartsInclinometerTypeBrandRangeAccuracyPro/ConElectrolyticFredericks ±60°0.03° Requires external temperature sensor Affected by acceleration Dual Axis Requires Signal Conditioning Liquid Capacitive Rieker±80° ° Single AxisSingle Axis Withstands mechanical shockWithstands mechanical shock 3D MEMS VTI±90°0.03° On-board temperature correction SPI Output Dual Axis Withstands mechanical shock [9] [10] [11]
Parts Inclinometer Choice VTI On-board temperature correction Range ±90° Accuracy of 0.03° Not affected by vibration [11]
Progress Research part options Research part options Studying Microprocessor LPC-2148 Studying Microprocessor LPC-2148 Prepared VTI Sensor for testing Prepared VTI Sensor for testing Preparing the Fredericks Sensor for testing Preparing the Fredericks Sensor for testing
Progress VTI Sensor Analog Circuit VTI Sensor Analog Circuit
Progress Development Board with parts attached Development Board with parts attached
Progress Preparing Fredericks sensor for testing Preparing Fredericks sensor for testing
Plan Going Forward JanuaryFebruaryMarchApril Research Microcontroller Testing Mounting System
References [1] Digi-key. [Online]. Available: Accessed February 23, [2] Digi-key. [Online]. Available: Accessed February 23, [3] “Vibration - Measurement, Control and Standards”. [Online]. Available: Accessed February 23, [4] “Analog Devices- ADXL322”. [Online]. Available: Accessed February 23, [5] “Analog Devices- ADXL202E”. [Online]. Available: Accessed February 23, [6] “Tiltmeters and Tilt Measurements”. [Online]. Available: Accessed February 23, [7] “ TrueTilt‘, Dual Axis, Wide Angle, Electrolytic Tilt Sensor”.[Online]. Available: Accessed February 23, [7] “ TrueTilt‘, Dual Axis, Wide Angle, Electrolytic Tilt Sensor”. [Online]. Available: Accessed February 23, [8] “MEMS Technology”. Accessed February 23, [9] “ TrueTILT™ Wide Range ”. [Online]. Available: Accessed February 23, [10] “Rieker– NG Series”. [Online]. Available: Accessed February 23, [11] “VTI- SCA100T”. [Online]. Available: e31e08e ddb28cb92c1134ec8fec8f/sca100t_inclinometer_datasheet_ a.pdf. Accessed February 23, 2009.