Brief summary of Finemet Review 9-10 September 2014 S. Gilardoni.


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Presentation transcript:

Brief summary of Finemet Review 9-10 September S. Gilardoni

3 Review goal The aim of the review is to: -Analyse the potential of Finemet-based RF systems for being used as the main acceleration RF system in the CERN PSB and as a broad band longitudinal damper in the CERN PS. -Comment the present design. -Prepare for the decision to replace the present ferrite-loaded accelerating system in the PSB with Finemet-loaded cavities. (end 2015) External reviewer will produce a document with questions and recommendations by the end of 201 Prof. OHMORI, R. Gaillard (consul.), M. Brennan (LBL)

4 Program 1/2 Contribution: Welcome Presenter/s: GAROBY, Roland; Dr. GILARDONI, Simone; Dr. HANKE, Klaus Contribution: Needs for PSB Presenter/s: PAOLUZZI, Mauro Contribution: Needs for PS Presenter/s: DAMERAU, Heiko Contribution: PSB and PS radioactive environment Presenter/s: DE CARVALHO SARAIVA, Joao Pedro Contribution: Expected radiation effects on MOSFETs Presenter/s: SPIEZIA, Giovanni Contribution: Irradiation and measurements in J-PARC and Fraunhofer Institute and mitigation measures Presenter/s: PAOLUZZI, Mauro Contribution: Wideband, solid-state driven RF systems for PSB and PS longitudinal damper Presenter/s: PAOLUZZI, Mauro Contribution: PSB RF system impedance and thermal simulations Presenter/s: Mr. HASEGAWA, Katsushi Contribution: Tolerable cavity impedance in the PSB Presenter/s: ARGYROPOULOS, Theodoros

5 Program 2/2 Contribution: PS longitudinal damper impedance simulations Presenter/s: PERSICHELLI, Serena Contribution: Longitudinal coupled bunch instabilities in the PS and the impact of the additional FINEMET damper impedance Presenter/s: MIGLIORATI, Mauro Contribution: PSB Low Level electronics and tests Presenter/s: ANGOLETTA, Maria Elena Contribution: PS Low Level electronics and tests Presenter/s: DAMERAU, Heiko Contribution: Operational experience of J-PARC RF system Presenter/s: Dr. TAMURA, Fumihiko Contribution: Feed Forward tests in J-PARC Presenter/s: Dr. TAMURA, Fumihiko Contribution: Plans and schedule Presenter/s: PAOLUZZI, Mauro

6 Finemet for the PSB Why change the RF system in the PSB? What question must be answered by decision time (end 2015) in order to proceed with changing to Finemet cavities?

7 Questions from reviewers 1.Will the finemet cavities deliver the necessary voltage in spaces available? 1. Is the technology mature enough to be reliable for 25 years? 2. Is Hitachi Metal capable to willing to supply finemet on schedule and acceptable cost? 2.Will the beam stable with impedance created by the cavities? 3.Will the work on the PS damper expedite the development of PSB acceleration cavities? 4.Can the low-level control and feedback loops manage the beam loading? 5.Can the cavities be driven by solid state amplifiers? 1. Enough power 2. Survive radiation 1.How do we evaluate the test under high radiation condition in PSB? 6.Can the work be completed in the time available? 7.Are the man power resources sufficient?