Life Insurance Courtney Coney Chandler Givens Wed. October 19, 2011 First Period
What Is Life Insurance? Life insurance is a contract between the policy holder and the insurer, where the insurer promises to pay a designated beneficiary a sum of money (the "benefits") upon the death of the insured person. Depending on the contract, other events such as terminal illness or critical illness may also trigger payment. In return, the policy holder agrees to pay a stipulated amount (the "premium") at regular intervals or in lump sums. In some countries, death expenses such as funerals are included in the premium; however, in the United States the predominant form simply specifies a lump sum to be paid on the insured's demise.
How Are You Protected? AARP- Offers Good Insurance For You Not Your Family And 45% Of Your Burial Sservices Allstate- Offers To Take Care Of Your Family If You Suffer From A Terminal Illness, And We Guarantee Top Notch Care Of Your Family And Burial Services When You’re Gone. State Farm- Offers Term, Whole, And Universal Life, From All Of These The Universal Life Is The Best It Has Guaranteed Death Benefit, Flesible Coverage And Flexible Premiums. It Also Has Permanent Protection And Flexibility, And Lifetime Coverage.
Questions Anyone? What Is A Short Statement Of What Life Insurance Is? What’s The Difference In The Different Life Insurance Companies I Named?
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