Keys to Success n Respect n Trustworthiness n Responsibility n Fairness n Caring n Citizenship n Set Goals n com/watch?v=1AZn 5nWIj_g.


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Presentation transcript:

Keys to Success n Respect n Trustworthiness n Responsibility n Fairness n Caring n Citizenship n Set Goals n com/watch?v=1AZn 5nWIj_g com/watch?v=1AZn 5nWIj_g


Respect Traits Respectful people… n treat others the way they want to be treated. n treat everyone as important, no matter how they look or act. n respect others’ things by not stealing or damaging their stuff. n don’t tease or put others down.

Respect for Others n Respect for others involves listening to others' opinions and feelings n Respecting others physical space and boundaries n Respect for those individuals who are in positions of authority


Trustworthiness Traits Trustworthy people... n have the courage to do what’s right. n “does what’s right, even when nobody else is watching.” n refuse to tell lies. n do what they say they will do. n are faithful to their friends.


Responsibility Traits Responsible people… n do what they promised. n do their best. n keep trying, even when it’s hard. n keep trying, even when they fail.


Fairness Traits Fair people... n treat people equally. n don’t take more than their fair share. n listen to everyone, even when they disagree.


Caring Traits Caring people... n notice others’ feelings. n help people who are hurting. n thank people who do good things. n use time, money and things to help others. n are never mean or cruel.


Citizenship Traits Good citizens... n keep their neighborhoods and schools clean. n don’t throw trash in the street. n help their neighbors. n obey the law. n vote to make our country better.

Set Goals The difference between a dream and a goal is ACTION.. Goals provide direction, a sense of accomplishment and they define your growth and development. 1. Roadmaps - You would drive to Los Angeles without one? 2. Recipes – Would you make the Thanksgiving dinner without them? Why go through life without goals?

The Four Key Questions Establish your goals by answering these questions: 1. Challenge Why do I want it? Define the desire or challenge facing you. 2. Goal What do I want? Write down the goal you want to achieve. 3. Action Steps How will I get it? Your specific action plan to reach your goal. 4.Target Dates When do I want it? The completion date to reach your goal.