Giving Presentations Where do I even start?
Purpose What is your goal? Persuade? Inform? Entertain? What do you want the audience to know, feel, or do after?
Preparation Brainstorming (purpose) Brainstorming list (of key words) Group and organize them into (natural) categories
Preparation (continued) Check the purpose of the speech again Add or eliminate list items Rearrange the items to focus on main points
Fear Fighting Where does the fear come from? Do you have any ideas? How can we conquer the nervousness? What is your opinion?
Fear Quiz! Rate yourself! 1 – strongly disagree 2 – disagree 3 – neutral 4 – agree 5 – strongly agree
Fear Quiz! 1. The night before a presentation, I cannot sleep. 2. I’d like to do stand-up comedy. 3. I’d rather pay taxes than give a presentation! 4. I’m comfortable when I’m acting. 5. I have had at least one embarrassing experience when speaking.
Fear Quiz! 6. I like to help others by teaching or instructing them. 7. Others have made positive comments about my speaking ability. 8. I am intimidated in a job interview. 9. When talking to people, I find it hard to look people in the eye. 10. I can only speak from a written manuscript.
Possible Sources of Fear Being stared at Failure not knowing subject well, looking foolish Being rejected unfamiliar audience, mean looks Negative past experiences
Value of Fear Convert nervousness into constructive energy such as: Adrenaline! - makes you: 1) think more rapidly 2) energizes you 3) speak with validity and enthusiasm 4) do a better job Positive nervousness - zesty, enthusiastic, lively feeling
Combating Fear Before speech: Good planning, preparation, practice Know the topic well Never memorize a speech Extra practice for the introduction Imagine yourself giving an effective speech
Just before speech Visualize success Not too much caffeine, alcohol, sugar, or milk products Exercise before the speech (deep breathing, move arms, etc.)
During speech Shift focus from yourself to audience Communication, not performance Never mention nervousness or apologize
I hope you will become great public speakers! Please take 5 minutes to complete the worksheet.