Chosen due to close proximity to team Area of study for team
Earliest setter was John Patterson, a farmer Built area’s first log cabin in 1798 Population expanded and created Van Buren Township (for 20 years) Village of Kettering in 1952 named for Charles E. Kettering Proclaimed a city in June 1955
people per 100,000 people have heart disease. (Public Health-Dayton & Montgomery County, 2012). Main concern is heart disease
Health Fairs Gaining help from local large businesses Gaining help for local small businesses Utilizing the American Heart Association of Dayton Utilizing Social Workers
117/76 Read as "117 over 76 millimeters of mercury“ Systolic The top number, which is also the higher of the two numbers, measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats (when the heart muscle contracts). Diastolic The bottom number, which is also the lower of the two numbers, measures the pressure in the arteries between heartbeats (when the heart muscle is resting between beats and refilling with blood).
Blood Pressure Category Systolic mm Hg (upper #) Diastolic mm Hg (lower #) Normal less than 120 and less than 80 Prehyperte nsion 120 – 139 or 80 – 89 High Blood Pressure (Hypertens ion) Stage – 159 or 90 – 99 High Blood Pressure (Hypertens ion) Stage or higher or 100 or higher Hypertensi ve Crisis Hypertensi ve Crisis (Emergenc y care needed) Higher than 180 or Higher than 110
150 minutes a week of moderate exercise Walking, jogging, biking Strength and stretching for stamina and flexibility
American Heart Association. (2012). Understanding blood pressure readings. Retrieved from HEARTORG/Conditions/HighBloodPressure/AboutHighBloodPressure/Understanding-Blood-Pressure Readings_UCM_301764_Article.jsp American Heart Association, 2012). Americcan heart association guidelines for physical activity. Retrieved from Guidelines_UCM_307976_Article.jsp (2012). Proper diet. Retrieved from City of Kettering. (2011). City of kettering new resident guide. About Kettering. Retrieved from Public Health-Dayton & Montgomery County. (2012). Health and data stats [Data file]. Retrieved from