Communities Are Places Social Studies Review Chapter 2 Flash Cards!
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 N orth, S outh, E ast, W est Cardinal directions
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 compass rose Name this part of a map
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 Map key Name this part of a map
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 distance (map) scale Name this part of a map
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 Name all the parts of this map. Don’t forget the map title!
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 The imaginary line that shows where one state or country ends is called a ____ border
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 Why is a globe better a better model of the earth than a map? Since a globe is round like the earth, it shows the true shapes of oceans and continents
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 Half a sphere is called a _____ hemisphere
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 The imaginary line that divides the world into northern and southern hemispheres is called ______ The equator
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 The prime meridian divides the world into which 2 hemispheres? eastern hemisphere western hemisphere
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 When is it better to use a map instead of a globe. Maps are better to locate places that are too small to be pictured on a globe, such as Houston or your street.
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 Put these communities order of smallest to largest. city, rural, suburb Rural Suburb City Klein is a suburb of Houston
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 What is the purpose of a capital city? This is where government leaders meet and work.
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 Name the capital city of Texas. Austin, TX
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 Name the capital city of the United States. Washington, DC
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 Who is the leader of the United States of America? President Barack Obama
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 Where are rural areas? They are far from large towns and cities.
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 Where are suburbs? They are next to cities.
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 15 How many years in this time line? Mittelstadt was built Mrs Levy became Principle 2000 PTO bought playground equipment 2005 Our gymnasium was built History of Mittelstadt Elementary School
3 rd Grade -Chapter What year did Mrs. Levy become Principal of Mittlestadt? Mittelstadt was built Mrs Levy became Principal 2000 PTO bought playground equipment 2005 Our gymnasium was built History of Mittelstadt Elementary School
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 The PTO Who purchased our playground equipment? Mittelstadt was built Mrs Levy became Principle 2000 PTO bought playground equipment 2005 Our gymnasium was built History of Mittelstadt Elementary School
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 The story of what happened in a place history
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 Someone in a person’s family such as a great-great grandmother, who lived long ago. ancestor
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 pioneers First people to settle in a new land
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 settlement A new community where several pioneers gather to settle _______________
3 rd Grade -Chapter 2 A person who starts a settlement or community is_______________ founder Klein, Texas was founded by Lyle Lovett’s great-great grandfather, Adam Klein. He and his wife immigrated from Germany, bought land near Cypress Creek and set up the Klein post office.