Board of Education Dedicated Service to Our School Community
Grade Range Student Enrollment # of Teachers # of Other Professionals # of Para- professionals PK
Total Graduates % Graduation Rate % Regents Diplomas Total Graduates % Graduation Rate % Regents Diplomas Total Graduates % Graduation Rate % Regents Diplomas 7079%87%9889%91%8886%85%
Class of 2015 Outstanding Seniors Valedictorian Joel Truax Salutatorian Kody Kocsis
Class of 2015 Outstanding Seniors Nate Arquiett Chloe GardnerIsaac JandreauCammie Ramsdell Damien RazisChelsea SavageNate StickneyHannah White
To 4- year college To 2- year college To Other Post- Secondary To the Military To Employment Percent28%32%0%8%32%
Highlights from The Board of Education will be appointing a new Superintendent of Schools. The Board of Education will be appointing a new Superintendent of Schools. 100% of teachers have participated in training for and engaged in the process for Professional Learning Communities. 100% of teachers have participated in training for and engaged in the process for Professional Learning Communities. AIS practices have been aligned with scientifically based reading research through the implementation of a Literacy Intervention system in the Elementary and Middle school. AIS practices have been aligned with scientifically based reading research through the implementation of a Literacy Intervention system in the Elementary and Middle school. The Elementary has commenced the use of a standards-based report card to best communicate student achievement to parents. The Elementary has commenced the use of a standards-based report card to best communicate student achievement to parents.
Highlights from The District has fully implemented an interim assessment cycle with three interim assessments and their accompanying data analysis meetings to review the results. The District has fully implemented an interim assessment cycle with three interim assessments and their accompanying data analysis meetings to review the results. Students will achieve an anticipated graduation rate of 83% in June Students will achieve an anticipated graduation rate of 83% in June High school staff rewards students for outstanding attendance, academic achievement and behavior. High school staff rewards students for outstanding attendance, academic achievement and behavior. We served more children with an expanded after- school program, providing homework time and superb outside presenters for students that would have few choices of places to go until 5:00. We served more children with an expanded after- school program, providing homework time and superb outside presenters for students that would have few choices of places to go until 5:00.
The Board of Education begins formal budget discussion in January. The State budget was not adopted until April 1, which delayed the entire process by two months. The Board of Education then adopted a spending plan that attempted to balance the needs of the students and those of the taxpayers. Budget Process
Revenue Factors Since 2010, the District has lost $3,724,778 in State Aid through the Gap Elimination Adjustment reductions. NYS Property Tax Levy “Cap” limits the amount of money that can be raised by a school district.
Budget Factors Lean existing budget – one of the lowest per pupil expenditures in region, ranked 57 out of 59, and ranked 437 out of 700 in NYS. Salaries & Benefits – 63% of budget. Teachers’ and Employees’ Retirement System contribution rates have both decreased by approximately 2%. Health Insurance rate increasing 7.5%.
The Proposed Spending Plan Proposed Budget of $21,855,723 Tax levy increase of 1.77% ($85,100), which is below the NYS Tax Cap Calculation of 1.83%.
Brasher Falls Central School Expenditure Comparison Years and Difference General Support$2,225,799$2,387,549$161,750 Instructional Program$8,570,027$8,792,983$222,956 Transportation$1,246,615$1,283,088$36,473 Employee Benefits$6,458,602$6,520,092$61,490 Debt Service & Transfers$2,852,154$2,872,011$19,857 Total:$21,353,197$21,855,723$502,526
Brasher Falls Central School Revenue Comparison for the Years and Difference State Aid$15,010,138$15,627,564$617,426 Other Revenues$163,700 $0 Fund Bal/Debt Service$1,376,000$1,176,000($200,000) Local Tax Levy$4,803,359$4,888,459$85,100 Total:$21,353,197$21,855,723$502,526
Proposed Tax Levy Increase Tax Levy: $4,803, Tax Levy Increase $ IncreaseTotal Tax Levy 1.77%$85,100$4,888,459 Increase in Tax BillFull Value Assessment 100% per $1000 Total Increase for $100, School Year$0.39$39.00 Average per Month$3.25
PROPOSITION No. 1 – Approval of Annual Budget for School Year Shall the annual budget of the School District for the fiscal year be approved and the raising by taxation on the taxable property of the District of the requisite portion thereof be authorized in the amount of $21,855,723. Propositions
PROPOSITION No. 2- The Purchase of Three (3) School Buses Shall the Board of Education be authorized to purchase up to three (3) school buses of varying capacities at a cost not to exceed $291,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary to be financed by the funds accumulated in the Bus Purchase (Capital) Fund or issue serial bonds.
Purchase of Three (3) Buses Proposition No. 2:Amount The purchase of three (3) school buses for$291, school year State Aid Reimbursement at 90% $261,900 Net cost of 3 buses$29,100
The selection of 2 School Board Members. Two (2) trustees who will serve for five (5) year terms commencing on July 1, 2015 and expiring on June 30, Vote for two (2) candidates: - Mary-Margaret Bellinger - Arthur F. Siebert - Laura DiMatteo - Seth D. Belt - Michael Hornung Election of Trustees to the Board of Education
The Annual Budget Vote and Election of Board of Education Candidates is May 19, 2015 from 12:00 noon to 8:00 P.M. in the Middle School Gym. Thank you