Environmental programming of urban developments Photos (from left): Klosterenga, Oslo; Dannebrogade, Copenhagen: Culemborg, Netherlands Norwegian Directorate of Public Works, Oslo Municipality, SINTEFwww.miljøprogram.no
Environmental program: Specification and prioritizing of environmental objectives Follow-up plan: Description of solutions, definition of responsibilities Planning tool: Model for determination and documentation of environmental qualities in urban development projects What is environmental programming? Environmental programming of urban development
Why environmental programming ? Setting concrete environmental objectives – objectives that can be tested Setting priorities – and making them clear to all Ensuring ownership of the objectives among the actors involved through an open process Increasing knowledge and understanding of environmental aspects among the actors and creating a basis for discussion
Develop a tool that will provide a basis for determination of environmental performance requirements (environmental programs) for urban areas Ease the work of following the environmental program and of documenting the achievement of requirements Tool for urban environmental programming Aim Environmental programming of urban development
Use of the tool Planning tool for ecological urban developments 1. Selection of objectives 2. Making priorities 3. Determination of performance requirements 4. Visualization of environmental profile 5. Basis for documentation Environmental program Specification and prioritizing of environmental objectives (Demands on developer) Follow-up plan Description of solutions Documentation of achievements (Response from developer) NB! The model should not be used mechanically to reach ”the right answer” but as a tool to create a discussion, contribute to learning and to make evaluations and decisions more transparent” Environmental programming of urban development
Definition of environmental objectives MAIN TOPIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECT: paramount objective PARTIAL OBJECTIVE Lowest possible net energy demand in housing Structure of objectives PARTIAL OBJECTIVE: Operational environmental target BUILDINGS ENERGY USE Paramount objective: Reduce energy use in buildings and next reduce use of electricity for heating example Environmental programming of urban development
Highest possible variation in residential composition Best possible access to public meeting places Best possible access til local service Best possible user participation Best possible access to cultural facilities and/or activities Highest possible degree of multifunctionality where housing constitute a high degree Best possible accessibility for all MAIN TOPIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECT OBJECTIVE Area- and infrastructure Green areas Buildings Construction period Social qualities Urban structure and density Localization Transport Energy supply Water and drainage Waste management Demolition, clearing, and handling of masses Pollution and security Waste management Local climate Landscape and nature conservation Biodiversity Energy demand Water consumption Materials Quality of use
Best possible conservation of existing species Best possible conservation of old trees Planting new or supplementing of old species Land disposal based on ecological principles Preserve and develop wetland and visible water in the area Best possible protection against alien and aggressive species MAIN TOPIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECT OBJECTIVE Area- and infrastructure Green areas Buildings Construction period Social qualities Urban structure and density Localization Transport Energy supply Water and drainage Waste management Demolition, clearing, and handling of masses Pollution and security Waste management Local climate Landscape and nature conservation Biodiversity Energy demand Water consumption Materials Quality of use
Lowest possible net energy demand in housing Lowest possible net energy demand in offices As little as possible demand of electricity for heating of housing As little as possible living space per inhabitant As little as possible demand of electricity for heating of housing As little as possible space per workplace in offices MAIN TOPIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECT OBJECTIVE Area- and infrastructure Green areas Buildings Construction period Social qualities Urban structure and density Localization Transport Energy supply Water and drainage Waste management Demolition, clearing and handling of masses Pollution and security Waste management Local climate Landscape and nature conservation Biodiversity Energy demand Water consumption Materials Quality of use
Area- and infrastructure Green areas Buildings Construction period Social qualities Urban structure and density Localization Transport Energy supply Water and drainage Waste management Demolition, clearing, and handling of masses Pollution and security Waste management Local climate Landscape and nature conservation Biodiversity Energy demand Water consumption Materials Quality of use As little construction waste as possible Highest possible degree of recycling of construction waste In demolition, highest possible share of concrete constructions, asphalt etc should be recycled within the development area Best possible management of hazardous waste from the construction activities MAIN TOPIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECT OBJECTIVE Pilestredet Park, Oslo. Photo: Ragnar Skagen, Statsbygg
How to document goal achievement? Indicators A simplified expression for the state or condition of specific topics Makes it possible to document and evaluate goal achievement Gives knowledge/information Supports the decision making process Examples: Number of kWh/m² /year Distance to collective transport (m) Degree of integration of cultural monuments and sights within the neighborhood Environmental programming of urban development
Definition of performance requirements Why important?To reduce the energy demand is a paramount objective because the most environmental friendly energy is the one that is not used. Low energy buildings are both cost-effective, user friendly, and robust. IndicatorNumber of kWh/m²/year Performance levels > 200 kWh/m²/year kWh/m²/year kWh/m²/year kWh/m²/year 3 < 65 kWh/m²/year Comments Nøkkeltall er hentet fra Enova - gjelder for nye boliger i Oslo klima. Tall for eksisterende boliger er høyere. Gjennomsnittlig energibruk for boligblokker: 210 kWh/m²/year (Bygningsnettverket, 2002). References Bygningsnettverkets energistatistikk (2002). Se: For mer info om lavenergiboliger, se: Related objectives Favorable sun- and local climatic conditions etc. negative environmental impact standard/average ”best practise” Example 1: LOWEST POSSIBLE NET ENERGY DEMAND IN HOUSING Environmental programming of urban development
Why important?Transport performed by private cars is an important emission source of CO2 emissions as well as local pollution (air and dust). It is therefore an objective to reduce the extent of private motoring as much as possible IndicatorPlanned measures to reduce use of private cars within the neighborhood/ Percentage of travels with private cars of all travels to, from, and within the neighborhood (%) Performance level No planned measures to reduce use of private cars/ > 70 % 0 Few planned measures to reduce use of private cars / % 1 Some planned measures to reduce use of private cars / % 2 Quite many planned measures to reduce use of private cars / % 3 Several planned measures to reduce use of private cars / < 10 % Example 2: HIGHEST POSSIBLE THRESHOLD FOR USE OF PRIVATE CARS FOR TRANSPORT TO, FROM, AND WITHIN THE NEIGHBORHOOD Environmental programming of urban development Definition of performance requirements
Functions Environmental programming of urban development Weighting The tool allows for prioritization and weighting at all levels (main topic, environmental aaspect, partial objective) Reporting Environmental program and profiles Visualization Diagrams of environmental profiles Follow-up plan Separate module where documentation of selected solutions can be placed
Weighting of objectives Topics and objectives should be weighted according to a process of making priorities The tool suggests a weighting, but this can be changed Objectives are weighted by ”throws of the dice” where the number of eyes correspond to the weight. The weight of one objective is relative to other objectives within the same topic The weight of the main topics and environmental aspects is given in percentage points. This implies that 100 points are distributes among the four main topics. Similarly the same number of points are distributed among the environmental aspects of each main topic Environmental programming of urban development
Visualizing the environmental profile Environmental programming of urban development
Visualizing the environmental profile Buildings Energy demand Environmental programming of urban development
Documentation of goal achievement When the performance requirements are defined (in an environmental program), it is up to the developer to give the ”answer”: Guidance: The tool will give links to relevant measures, key figures, and reference projects Documentation: The suggested solution can be inserted as an answer to the requirements in a follow-up plan Visualization: The score of the suggested measures (follow-up plan) can be shown in graphics parallel to the profile of the environmental program Environmental programming of urban development
Conclusion Open and dynamic: Possible to adjust to different kinds of projects and processes, gives possibility for different priorities Comprehensiveness: Covers most relevant topics (within a broad definition of sustainability). Shows connections between topics (interdependence, possible overlap, conflicting objectives) Ease to use: Simple structure, easy access to necessary information, user- friendly layout Adjusted to the planning process: Distinguishes between urban area/neighborhood level, green structure, buildings and construction period Credibility: Suggested objectives, indicators and performance levels are based on best possible scientific and professional knowledge Environmental programming of urban development