DATE:: JULY 24 TH /2015 TOPIC: READING COMPREHENSION ACTIVITIES “LIFE ON THE ICE” BLOCK: 3 OBJECTIVE: TO ANALYZE THE READING BY ITS MAIN IDEAS AND DETAILS Answer the following questions. 1.- How do we call the places that are located at the top and bottom of our planet? 2.-Which details on this page (143) support the main idea that Antarctica is an extremely cold place? 3.- How does the sun look like in places like Antarctica? 4.- How are icebergs formed? 5.- What do the pilots mean when they say that flying in the Poles is like flying in a Ping-Pong ball?
READING COMPREHENSION. Answer the following questions. 6.- How do planes land in these wintry worlds? 7.- What do scientists do with the snow? 8.- Why do Scientists say that The Antarctica is a perfect window to the stars? 9.- What do people wear at the Poles? 10.- What do people do to survive at the Poles?
READING COMPREHENSION Draw: What things people do to survive in Antarctica?
1 READING COMPREHENSION Match the word with the correct synonym.. Isolated. Disintegrate.Melts. Alone. Wintry.Motor. engine. Freezing. Brave. Break in. Drilling.Confront