Week 1 and Week 2
PAGE 7 MEANING: “Like many volcanoes, Tambora looked like an ordinary mountain and had been dormant for centuries.” Not active at the moment When animals hibernate, are they dormant? Explain your reasoning.
PAGE 7 MEANING: “The first eruption shook the island and sent up great plumes of fire and ash.” Things that have feathers or things that have fluffy or feathery shapes. What else can you think of that may have plumes?
PAGE 8 MEANING: “Little was known about climate or volcanoes.” The unusual weather in a place. Turn and talk with your partner about what the climate is like in the desert? In Antarctica?
PAGE 9 MEANING: “It was one of the biggest migrations in U.S. history.” Long journey to a new home in another country or region. What do you know that migrates?