Glencoe Visual Showcase Culinary Essentials
Once all ingredients are at room temperature, melt the butter and set it aside. 1 Prepare a Sponge Cake Glencoe Visual Showcase 2 Heat sugar and eggs in a double boiler, stirring constantly, to about 110°F (43°C).
Beat the eggs at high speed for 10 to 15 minutes, until they are thick and light. When properly beaten, the foam will fall in a ribbon-like shape when you lift the beater. Prepare a Sponge Cake 3 Glencoe Visual Showcase
Sift all of the dry ingredients. Then, carefully fold them into the foam. Because the foam can easily be deflated, most bakers do this step by hand. Prepare a Sponge Cake 4 Glencoe Visual Showcase
Fold in the melted butter, but do not overmix. 5 Prepare a Sponge Cake Glencoe Visual Showcase 6 Pan and bake the batter at once so that it does not lose volume.
End of Glencoe Visual Showcase