Leadership Skills
Day 1 – September 2 nd Preview: Preview: What, specifically, do you want to learn in Leadership Skills this year? What, specifically, do you want to learn in Leadership Skills this year? Warm Up: Warm Up: Watch this video without sound first: Watch this video without sound first: Ask yourself: What does this video have to do with leadership? Ask yourself: What does this video have to do with leadership? Ask a partner: How does this video relate to leadership? Ask a partner: How does this video relate to leadership? Watch the video with sound and compare your thoughts with the narrator. Watch the video with sound and compare your thoughts with the narrator. Agenda: Agenda: Introductions (Color, Car, Character) Introductions (Color, Car, Character) Success Success Class Expectations Class Expectations
Day 2 – September 4 th Review: Review: What was Hotaling’s Color, Car, and Character?? What was Hotaling’s Color, Car, and Character?? Warm Up: Warm Up: “Few people follow their dreams, not because it is difficult, but because we avoid that sensation of uncertainty.” “Few people follow their dreams, not because it is difficult, but because we avoid that sensation of uncertainty.” 1. What are things that you feel certain about? 1. What are things that you feel certain about? 2. How would you advise someone to deal with that “sensation of uncertainty?” 2. How would you advise someone to deal with that “sensation of uncertainty?” Agenda: Agenda: Discussing “Success” Discussing “Success” Picturing “Leadership” Picturing “Leadership” Create a wikispace account Create a wikispace account
Day 3 – September 8 th Review: Review: What was John Wooden’s definition of success? What was John Wooden’s definition of success? Warm Up: Which of these quotes is at the heart of leadership? Warm Up: Which of these quotes is at the heart of leadership? "It is a fine thing to have ability, but the ability to discover ability in others is the true test.“ -Lou Holtz “You don’t lead by pointing and telling people some place to go. You lead by going to that place and making a case.” – Ken Kesey Agenda: Agenda: Discussing the Leader”ship” Discussing the Leader”ship” Create a wikispace account Create a wikispace account Post an Introduction and 2T/1L Post an Introduction and 2T/1L
Day 4 – September 10 th Review: Review: Name one interesting fact about someone you met for the first time last class. Name one interesting fact about someone you met for the first time last class. Warm Up: Warm Up: Come up with 3 types of leaders. Put differently, what are 3 different ways leaders lead? Agenda: Agenda: Leadership Pretest Leadership Pretest Unit 1 Classwork: Part I Unit 1 Classwork: Part I Notetaker (post to wikispaces): Paul Notetaker (post to wikispaces): Paul Must talk to everyone in class at least once to gather information, then share what they learn at the end of the class (may not copy from other person’s paper) Must talk to everyone in class at least once to gather information, then share what they learn at the end of the class (may not copy from other person’s paper)
Day 5 – September 12 th Review: Review: What are the 3 main styles of leadership? What are the 3 main styles of leadership? Warm Up: How does this relate to your leadership style? Warm Up: How does this relate to your leadership style? Agenda: Agenda: Finish and share Leadership Philosophy Finish and share Leadership Philosophy Unit 1 Classwork: Part II and III Unit 1 Classwork: Part II and III Prepare for discussion on Part IV and V next class Prepare for discussion on Part IV and V next class Notetaker (post to wikispaces): Bryan Notetaker (post to wikispaces): Bryan Must talk to everyone in class at least once to gather information, then share what they learn at the end of the class (may not copy from other person’s paper) Must talk to everyone in class at least once to gather information, then share what they learn at the end of the class (may not copy from other person’s paper)
Day 6 – September 16 th Review: Review: What is a paradigm? What is a paradigm? What does it mean to “sharpen the saw?” What does it mean to “sharpen the saw?” Warm Up: Warm Up: Who is a person you respect that doesn’t hold a position of authority? Who is a person you don’t respect that does hold a position of authority. Agenda: Agenda: Battle of the Air Bands Battle of the Air Bands Discussion on Part IV and V: What is a leader? Discussion on Part IV and V: What is a leader? Must accrue 8 points to get credit Must accrue 8 points to get credit 1 point: use an example from classwork (5 parts) 1 point: use an example from classwork (5 parts) 2 points: rephrase someone else's point and give an example from your experience 2 points: rephrase someone else's point and give an example from your experience 3 points: raise a secondary question that gets the group talking 3 points: raise a secondary question that gets the group talking Notetaker (post to wikispaces): Bailey Notetaker (post to wikispaces): Bailey Must listen to everyone in class to gather information, then share what they learn at the end of the class Must listen to everyone in class to gather information, then share what they learn at the end of the class