Exploring the relationship between writer and reader
I am now 38 years old, married and have two children, Jacob and Monica. I went to college at the University of Washington, because I knew my mother would have really wanted that. I received my bachelor’s and master’s in computer programming like my father. To this day I own my own computer programming company that is nationally known. But when I look back on my life, I never would have known I would turn out to be this way.
Imagine McDaniel’s selection as someone talking What does s/he look like? (Age? Gender? Body style? Facial Features? Clothing? Any other features?) Location, Posture, etc.? Don’t just make up your answers; let a feeling for the words guide your imagination.
Again, taking your cues from the text, imagine the person talking as a speaker behind a podium What kind of space is it? (Auditorium? Theatre? Classroom?) What time of day is it? What is your physical position, relative to the speaker? How do you feel about being there?
Imagine the speaker as trying to do something to you with his/her words. (Warn? Scare? Reassure? Flatter? Something else?) How do you feel about what s/he is trying to do?
Now, imagine the speaker as an actor, performing a monologue written by someone else. What is that someone else like? (Like the speaker or using someone very different from him- /herself) Where is this person as s/he writes the speaker’s words? (Living room with pen and paper? Typewriter? On laptop in office? Somewhere else?)
Imagine the writer as trying to do something to you through the actor/speaker on stage. What is s/he trying to do? Why choose this person, as opposed to some other? (What other kind of person could the writer have chosen? What might make this one more effective?)