HDA Five-year Strategic Plan March 2012
Key achievements Operated within the grant and other funds provided and achieved clean audits since inception 9 IPs formalised and signed and a further 4 IPs have been prepared for discussion and finalisation 2 MTOPs arising from the IPs have been signed In excess of ha of land identified and verified Joint Coordinating Committee on State Land Release established Policy outlining the criteria for identifying land, and a procedure for the transfer of state-owned land to the HDA finalised with relevant state departments - policy options for compensation of SOEs for land released for human settlements are explored with DPE Gearing up to take transfer in excess of 3 000ha Agreement reached for ha from the Servcon portfolio in the Free State to be transferred to the HDA Approximately ha of public land identified jointly with municipalities
Key achievements 2 Joburg inner city buildings/properties acquired and 4 in Ekurhuleni identified for immediate release 309 Transnet properties (812ha) identified and transfer requested 2 properties (1068ha) of state land in Gauteng approved for release by the DPW 4 properties ( ha) of state land in the North West awaiting Ministerial approval (DRDLR) 21 provincial properties (147ha) requested from KZN Public Works LAPSIS and NaHSLI is proving invaluable in support of the Agency’s land identification and planning services and its work with the provinces Draft PHDA policy framework developed for consideration by NDHS Capital and operational funding received for Zanemvula and N2 Gateway and both projects are performing well Additional projects have come on board during the period under review on request from national, provinces and municipalities
Outcome 8 alignment The programmes and projects of the HDA will also service the outcomes required in terms of the performance agreements signed between the President and the National Minister of Human Settlements, as further elaborated in the various performance agreements signed between the National Minister and the various Provincial MECs. The HDA is directly responsible for the acquisition of hectares of well-located publicly-owned land and buildings. The HDA will assist the NDHS in the upgrading of informal settlements. The HDA will also ensure that its activities are aligned with the enhanced Human Settlements Vision 2030.
Organisational structure
Visionary goals and strategic objectives
Key performance information According to National Treasury guidelines for developing ‘Strategic plans and annual performance plans’ emphasis should be placed on defining and assessing impacts, outcomes, outputs, activities and inputs as per the next slide.
Key performance information According to National Treasury guidelines for developing ‘Strategic plans and annual performance plans’ emphasis should be placed on defining and assessing impacts, outcomes, outputs, activities and inputs as per the diagram below: Activities and Inputs Outputs Outcomes Impacts What the HDA aims to change in respect of the developmental results of achieving specific outcomes Development of housing and human settlements on well-located land Contribute to spatial restructuring Enhanced planning capacity in organs of state Project and programme management support and capability for organs of state What the HDA wishes to achieve in respect of the medium-term results for specific beneficiaries that are the consequence of achieving specific outputs The creation of sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life Contribute to accelerated delivery of sustainable human settlements What the HDA produces or delivers in respect of its final products, or goods and services produced for delivery Land assembly plans, MTOPS, land acquisition status reports, capacity support, good practices, technical services, project management, IPs, land acquisition, holding and release, NaHsli, Lapsis, PHDAs What activities and inputs the HDA undertakes (macro indicators) to contribute to human settlement development Publicly-owned land released ; Properties and/or land acquired by HDA; Properties and/or land managed by HDA; % of HDA land released; Projects and/or programmes supported; PHDAs determined; IGR protocols
Macro performance indicators Macro indicators
Macro performance indicators Macro indicators continued
Programme One: Strategic management, finance and corporate services To provide overall organisational support services to operate and function as an organisation with a track record of quality, effective delivery and professional service. Strategic management Strategic planning, coordination and performance; communications and marketing Finance Management accounting and budgeting; finance; financial compliance and reporting; supply chain management; risk management Governance and Corporate services HR management and development; records and document management; facilities management; legal services; information technology; company secretary; documents and record management; facilities
Programme Two: Land Assembly Management Primarily responsible for the release of public land for sustainable human settlement development. Land identification and planning Land and property acquisitions management Land and property assets management Land geospatial systems
Programme Three: Programme & Technical Support Services To ensure that there is appropriate management, capacity and technical support services for programme and projects that promote sustainable human settlement. Programme and project portfolio planning, management and implementation support Informal settlement support Emergency housing support Technical support services Section 29 projects
Programme Four: IGR & Strategy Alignment To secure key IGR relationships between the different spheres of government to facilitate and accelerate the development of human settlements. Also responsible for fostering partnerships with identified sector stakeholders. Intergovernmental strategy development, outreach and consultations IGR agreements and contract management IGR strategy and programme alignment PHDA facilitation
Risk management The HDA reviews its risk assessment on an annual basis. A risk policy being developed. The Board through its sub-committees takes overall responsibility for risk in the HDA. Risk registers are in place to monitor risks on an ongoing basis. A Risk Manager has been appointed to manage, consolidate and monitor the systems and processes.
#RISKRISK DESCRIPTIONMITIGATING ACTION GOAL 1 & 2 1 Inadequate programme and capital budget to acquire well- located land in the human settlement sector Lack of funding to acquire well-located land in the human settlement sector Preparation of a programme for land acquisitions 2 Slow release of state land Slow release of land to the HDA and other Organs of State Slow land preparation process Delivery agreements JCC processes Intergovernmental collaboration GOAL 3 3 Limited demand for P&P services Limited demand for project services Lack of understanding of HDA service offering Service offering plan to be communicated with support of IGR&SA 4 Mobilisation of adequate capacity in response to requests Unable to acquire required skill level in specified time frame. Dependency on HR and SCM processes An annual plan for capacity assembly and a plan for ad hoc requests to be put in place 5 Lack of approval and lack of support for PHDA policy No approval and support of identified policies Constant follow-up with NDHS; pre- identification of possible PHDA with provinces GOAL 4 6 Sustainability of the HDA Financial sustainability and Organisational sustainability arising from sector expectations and organisational growth Diversifying funding streams Growth plan and business model GOAL 5 7 Misalignment of coordination with key organs of State Lack of coordination of plans, activities and expectations with key organs of state Absence of protocols with key organs of state Secure agreements for collaboration Undertaking joint planning and programming
HDA budget 2012 to 2017 Operational budget: The MTEF allocation for 2012/13 is R million increasing to R million in 2013/14. The estimated budget allocation for the five years is as follows: In order to operate within the operating grant allocated to the HDA, the staff establishment of 90 has been frozen at 61 posts for the next five years. If the HDA is to fully perform its legislated functions, the quantum of the monies appropriated to the Agency would need to be reviewed, as well as the available grants and/ or subsidies. Year oneYear twoYear threeYear fourYear five Year2012/132013/142014/152015/162016/17 MTEF allocation R92.336R97.497R R R
HDA budget 2012 to 2017 Capital budget: There is currently no capital grant allocation confirmed for the HDA for land acquisition for privately-owned and SOE land. The HDA therefore focuses on releasing state-owned land. To date we have submitted proposals for funds to support the purchase of SOE land (R315 million). Purchases are done on the basis of provincially availed funds. The budgets for the S29 projects that are currently being managed by the HDA are included in the five year budget. Policy in HDA is that in the event that there are savings we use this for land purchases There is still a need for a comprehensive capital funded land acquisition programme for the HDA.