ATF DR BPM Upgrade Janice Nelson, Doug McCormick, Justin May, Andrei Seryi, Tonee Smith, Mark Woodley.


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Presentation transcript:

ATF DR BPM Upgrade Janice Nelson, Doug McCormick, Justin May, Andrei Seryi, Tonee Smith, Mark Woodley

29 August Current Installation Button signals travel ~ 1m to analog receivers in the tunnel. 15MHz IF signals fed via long-haul cables to Echoteks in nakanoshima. BPM Buttons Analog Downmix Electronics with Calibration VME Echotek Module VME Crate Controller (IOC) Control System Database via EPICS TBT data & Control available via EPICS/MATLAB SLAC FNAL ATF Old calibration scheme requires separate source and RF distribution for each Cal tone. -Heliax cable plant, 714 MHZ amplifiers and stripline hardware.

29 August Proposed BPM installation Calibration tones produced locally from LO tone, one tone per button, coupled into BPM from Downmix electronics module. BPM Buttons Analog Downmix Electronics VME Echotek Module VME Crate Controller (IOC) Control System Database via EPICS TBT data available via EPICS/MATLAB SLAC FNAL ATF Calibration /con trol module DAQ mode control moved to ATF control system add diagnostic displays

29 August Current installation Ten BPMs in each arc One per FOBO cell, typically calibration prototype test on BPM 56

29 August BPMs (10 BPMs) (15 BPMs) One BPM per FOBO cell -c-choose closest to sextupoles every BPM in straight sections Full 96 BPM installation would provide one extra (redundant?) monitor per FOBO cell

29 August BPMs (10 BPMs) (15 BPMs) VME crates LO distributed from each crate DC fused distribution from each hut

29 August Changes to installation Four VME crates, one in each RF hut – 1 IOC, 1 timing module, 8 Echoteks in each 12 Echoteks each for full 96 BPMs ADC, DIO, serial communication in one crate LO and DC distribution –each VME crate (4) to provide an LO source high-power amplifier in each RF hut, split in tunnel between two 8-way splitters (straight and arc) DC source with fused distribution panel in each RF hut, individual supply to each BPM New enclosures –calibration/control module isolated from analog receiver –smaller boards, smaller enclosure (for downmix) –two 2-channel boards (one BPM) per box adequate isolation has been demonstrated with boards back-to- back high power LO amps are of the same model which currently supplies the whole 20-BPM installation throughout the whole ring. Should provide adequate overhead for the additional 3dBm needed for the cal system. bulk of cost of the DC distribution in this scheme is the 63(/96) individual long runs of heavy gauge wire pairs. Some possible economy in supplying 2, 3, or 4 BPMs from one fused pair, with resultant decrease in reliability. high power LO amps are of the same model which currently supplies the whole 20-BPM installation throughout the whole ring. Should provide adequate overhead for the additional 3dBm needed for the cal system. bulk of cost of the DC distribution in this scheme is the 63(/96) individual long runs of heavy gauge wire pairs. Some possible economy in supplying 2, 3, or 4 BPMs from one fused pair, with resultant decrease in reliability.

29 August Analog electronics Analog downmix electronics are largely unchanged, except for the following additions: –Digital step attenuator (0-28 dB, 4 dB steps) at input –on-board temperature sensor and voltage monitor –directional coupler for calibration tone (under test) –3 dB splitter in LO line (for calibration system) and subtractions: –manual switch for RF amplifier gain setting (remote only) –on-board Cal amplifier (not used, cross-talk too great) and changes: –smaller board –improved match into power meters –two components upgraded to newer models 8 DSA added to address saturation issues, already on the edge at one bunch 1e10. Small additional attenuation added to help alleviate ringing between button and filter (mismatch-based) sensors readback DSA added to address saturation issues, already on the edge at one bunch 1e10. Small additional attenuation added to help alleviate ringing between button and filter (mismatch-based) sensors readback

29 August Analog Downmix + Cal/Control module Text

29 August In Progress Testing the new additions –Hittite step attenuator –SMT directional coupler Updating schematic –Developing new component schematics –Adding new/deleting old components –Shrinking board layout Ordering parts for prototype –95% stock components bandpass filters (Lorch Microwave) historically have long lead time. Possibly have 2-4 on hand. PCB layout, manufacture, and assembly Bench test at SLAC 10

29 August Cost final prototype 63 BPMs96 BPMs Analog electronics enclosures + hardware LO distribution n/a DC distribution n/a total

29 August The Plan –Build prototype boards for testing one BPM in December the complete setup: two 2-channel boards in new enclosure with 4 calibration tones and control interface –Produce enough front end boards for 63 ATF BPMs –Install and test system in late Spring Beam physics studies as soon as system is available: BBA, ORM –Proposed additional experiment in December to test Septum area BPM with SLAC downconverter + Echotek