Book: Leviathan Major Idea: people are selfish and greedy Believed that people are willing to give up freedoms in exchange for an orderly society Supported idea of absolute monarchy
Book: Two Treatises of Government Major idea: Natural Rights of all men Life, Liberty, and Property Purpose of government is to protect rights Government based on consent of the people (the governed) If government does not protect rights, people can overthrow the government
Book: Candide Major idea: Freedom of Speech “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Believed in Religious Toleration
Book: Spirit of the Laws Major idea: government should be divided into 3 branches-Legislative, Executive and Judicial Each branch can check the power of the others (checks and balances)
Book: The Social Contract Major idea: people are basically good but are corrupted by society Believed that government should be run by the General Will (the will of the majority) for the common good