World History Review for Final 1 st Semester SY1516
The goal of this review is NOT to give you the answers to the final. Instead, the goal is to send you in the right direction so that you know where to put your focus when considering all the content we have covered as you study for the HAH final. Some questions on the final will require recollection of very specific details while others questions require you to reason and think your way to a correct answer. Note:
As with any test, complete your final in this class using common test taking strategies: Do the easiest question first then come back to those that seemed difficult (this builds your confidence) Gauge your time, use simple division: number of minutes for the test divided by the number of questions gives you the number of minutes to allow yourself per question. Test Taking in General
Look for ridiculous answers and eliminate them from further consideration Look for answers that contain absolutes like “always,” “never” and, “every time.” These answers are frequently wrong (life includes few absolutes). Your first intuition on an answer is frequently right – be careful about changing answers. Lastly—phones will not be allowed out in the classroom on finals day. If I see your phone I won’t ask for it. I simply will not give you credit for the final. Test Taking in General, part 2
Lastly—phones will not be allowed out in the classroom on finals day. If I see your phone, I won’t ask for it. I will simply document your name and the time and not give you credit for the final. Test Taking in General, part 3
This portion of the exam asks you to understand what each portion of the homework was intended to accomplish as you applied it to individual articles. Access a copy of the standard homework form and outline the focus of each question. For instance, question # 3 wants you to: “practice writing a good summary.” Homework
What type of article did we look at this semester, what makes them similar, did anything make them different? What type of text was important this semester? Homework_2
Where did Islam expand to? What are the five pillars, in English? What are some common sayings of Islam? Where does Islam rank as a world religion by number of followers? Islam
What is it that makes a community a complete civilization, what are the common traits of all civilizations? Some cultures have common/similar characteristics. What did your research tell you were commonalities of the Mesoamerican civilizations we studied? Civilization: general and specific
So what are these adjectives describing and what are the differences and similarities between these two…? If one was more advanced than the other, which one and how did it get that way? Paleolithic versus Neolithic
We saw portions of a movie about Jared Diamond’s research in New Guinea. Know why Diamond chose to study these particular people. What stage of civilization do they represent? As a result of his research, Diamond discovered some general truths about how some civilizations succeed and some do not. Be sure to have a good grasp of Diamond’s findings. “Guns, Germs and Steel” by Jared Diamond
We also saw a portion of a movie called “Cave of Forgotten Dreams” about drawings inside Chauvet Cave in France. Review the notes you created when you viewed “C of F D” to recall some key details from the questions that showed up on the screen. What discoveries and theories did we focus on during the movie? Once Upon a Time in a Cave
This portion of the test is open note. You may use your Rome booklets and video notes from “Development of Christianity” to answer these questions. You may not have your interactive notebook at your desk ROME AND MORE ROME