MIMO  3 Preliminary Test Results. MIMOSTAR 2 16/05/2007 MimoStar3 Status Evaluation of MimoStar2 chip  Test in Laboratory.


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Presentation transcript:

MIMO  3 Preliminary Test Results

MIMOSTAR 2 16/05/2007 MimoStar3 Status Evaluation of MimoStar2 chip  Test in Laboratory + Beam test at DESY + Irradiation test  100% yield with RadTol pixels on 15 chips  MimoStar2 performances meet STAR requirements End of June 2006: Submission engineering run  Two types of substrates (14, 20 µm EPI) Reception (Oct. 2006)  test (up to Feb. 2007)  Missing HRES layer (option) in fabrication  High diode leakage current  Re fabrication with HRES (Jan. 2007)  VTFPP out of spec (discussion ~ 1 month) Reception (April 2007)  wafer test  High diode leakage current

MIMOSTAR 3 16/05/ st Run: MimoStar3 Test MimoStar3 with 20 µm EPI substrate:  ~100% pixel work 2 chips tested on PCB 25 & 50 MHz ) 5 on probe station 60 KHz)  High ENC, Ex. ENC ~ 20 e 20 °C, t r.o. = 4 ms  Confirmed by static diode leakage current measurements: 4-7 times higher than room T (I Leak < 5 fA/diode) M*3 M*2 (14 µm EPI)

MIMOSTAR 4 16/05/ st Run: MimoStar3 Test MimoStar3 with 14 µm EPI substrate:  Seems less noise Ex. ENC ~ 18 e 20 °C, t r.o. = 4 ms  Confirmed by static diode leakage current measurements: Diode leakage current 3-6 times higher than M*2

MIMOSTAR 5 16/05/ st Run: MimoStar3 Test MimoStar3 with 14 µm EPI substrate:  Seems less noise Ex. ENC ~ 18 e 20 °C, t r.o. = 4 ms  Confirmed by static diode leakage current measurements: Diode leakage current 3-6 times higher than M*2  "Dead" pixel zone for all tested chips: yield? 7 chips tested on PCB 25 & 50 MHz )

MIMOSTAR 6 16/05/2007 Wafer Map (2 nd Run) Diode Leakage Current: M*2 as ref  Static I Leak < 5 fA/diode  M*3 I Leak should be < 1 nA for a pixel array of 320x640 Even in the centre of wafer, I Leak = 2 x I Leak of M*2 Wafer 20 µm EPI Wafer 14 µm EPI

MIMOSTAR 7 16/05/2007 MimoStar3 (1 st & 2 nd Run) Problems:  High diode leakage current  Dead pixel zone (1st Run)   Is there any relationship between these problems? Why?  no explanation for the moment Notice!  Only radtol pixel on M*3  M18 on same reticule use standard diodes 10 chips (14&20 µm) tested without yield & leakage current problems Next steps:  More extensive tests on the wafer & PCB for all chips of reticule  Establish contact with AMS, propose design/techno review Is there any impact of pixel geometries on the yield for ~reticule size?

Ultimate MIMO 

MIMOSTAR 9 16/05/2007 Ultimate Chip: MimoStarXXL Geometries:  Pitch: 18.4 µm  radiation hard consideration  Pixel Array: 1024 x 1088  Active surface: x mm 2  ~ 1.1 x 10 6 pixels / frame Read out speed:  t R.O. : 200 µs / frame  200 ns /line  >~ 5 x 10 9 pixels / s  Need zero suppression system According to STAR analysis  Hit density rate (inner barrel) 2.4x10 5 /cm 2 /s < 200 hits/frame (200 µs) ~ 2000 pixels / frame  Pixel Data: 21 bits (addresses) 1-3 bits (ADC)  bits / pixel  Effective data stream: ~ 240 MBit/s

MIMOSTAR 10 16/05/2007 MimoStarXXL: Proposed Architecture  Pixel array: 1024x1088 (18.4 µm) Pixel with CDS Readout: row by row Matrix divided in 17 groups  ADC (1 bit) at the bottom of each column  Find N hits for each group Find M hits for each row (with N & M determined by pixel array occupancy rate)  Memory which stores M hits (2 frames) + Serial transmission

MIMOSTAR 11 16/05/2007 MimoStarXXL: Status Radtol Pixel with integrated CDS:  Functionality tested in M8, M16  18.4 pitch pixels will be implemented in M22 Submission Sept. - Oct Test at beginning of the next year 1088 discriminators:  Tested in a pitch of 25 µm in M8, M16  Implemented in M22 Zero suppression circuit:  Prototype Suze-01 will be submitted at end of June 2007 Test from September

MIMOSTAR 12 16/05/2007 MimoStarXXL: Power Management Using trigger  To reduce mean power consumption  To decorrelate acquisition and readout Proposition Pixel Pitch (µm) PixelDiscri.Group Hits Finder Line Hits Finder (mW) Sq. controller (Pix+Dig) Memory (mW) LVDS receiver (mW) LVDS trans. (mW) Total (mW) Power (mW/cm 2 ) mW 0.2 x mW 0.3 x mW 15 x mW 0.2 x mW 0.3 x mW 15 x