Nuclear Power Ryan W Kyle LP5 Jordan T
How It Works 1. Uranium atoms are split into smaller atoms and a by product of that is heat. 2. That heat, heats up water which turns into steam. 3. the steam is then used to spin turbines. 4. the turbines are connected to generators that put power in the power grid. Ryan Wolbert
How it Works Ryan Wolbert
Renewable or not?? Current nuclear power methods using uranium are classified as nonrenewable Once the uranium is fissioned it cannot be used again Uranium is a scarce resource, and will last an estimated 60 more years with current production methods
Cost To Build It costs about 255 million dollars to build a new nuclear power plant in America today. This costs includes security, power generation and other non related items. The cost to get electricity from a nuclear power plant in 2011 was 0.77 cents per kwh. Ryan Wolbert
Positive Aspects No harmful gases such as carbon dioxide No air pollution Little fuel need for a large amount of energy Very reliable. Uranium is evenly deposited around the globe Relatively low operating cost Very large power generating capacity Ideal for city and industrial needs Currently available for use, it does not have to be developed first
Negative Aspects High construction cost and take a long time to build Risks for serious problems, such as nuclear meltdowns No current method to effectively store and dispose of waste Waste is radioactive and can be deadly if not handled carefully Because waste is dangerous, it must be looked after for at least 10,000 years Mining the uranium emits radiation and is harmful to the miners and community around the mine Nuclear energy is used to create atomic bombs which can be catastrophic in the wrong hands
Waste plutonium-239, uranium-235 are the waste produced by nuclear power plants. These materials are highly radioactive. The are stored in the Yucca Mountain in the Nevada desert were they are believed to not be able to leak in the environment. The waste from nuclear power plants can contaminate the environment for millions of years. This is why the waste must be stored in sealed metal containers. Ryan Wolbert
Countries that use nuclear power the most Lithuania and France use the highest Percent of nuclear power % of their power is nuclear. They use it because costs compete with coal, the material is available and it provides more power for the amount of material than any other resource.
Good Locations for nuclear plants There are 104 nuclear plants in the USA just over 400 world wide. Nuclear plants are placed close enough to cities to provide power but far enough away as not to effect the city.
Nuclear power in our community There is a nuclear plant in Monticello, MN (35 miles NW of Minneapolis, MN) and Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant in Welch, MN (28 miles SE of Minneapolis, MN)
Recourses Asaravala, Amit. “How Nuclear Power Works.” ge=all ge=all “What does it cost to build a nuclear plant? What could it cost?“What does it cost to build a nuclear plant? What could it cost?” March 2nd, U.S. Census Bureau. Jan, 17, World Nuclear association. Dec V
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