Pre-Primary to Higher secondary KERALA CURRICULUM REVISION 2013 Pre-Primary to Higher secondary
Curriculum Revision Since NCF 2005 The Kerala Curriculum Framework was developed in 2007 based on the National Curriculum Framework (NCF 2005). The textbooks of Stds I, III, V and VII were revised during 2007-‘08 The textbooks of Stds II, IV, VI and VIII were revised during 2008-‘09 The Textbooks of Std IX were revised during 2009 –’10 The Textbooks of Std X were revised during 2010 –’11
Curriculum Revision 2013 Relevance Implementation of The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act in the state of Kerala Curriculum and evaluation procedure have to be revised based on section 29/RTE Act. Enhancing the quality of education at par with global best practices State policy of reforming the curriculum in every 5 year
Curriculum and Assessment – RTE Act Principles Conformity with constitutional values All round development of the child Building up the child's knowledge, potentiality and talent Development of physical and mental abilities to the fullest extent Learning through activities, discovery and exploration in a child friendly and child-centred manner
The child’s mother tongue serving “as far as practicable” as the medium of instruction Making the child free of fear, trauma and anxiety and helping the child to express views freely and Comprehensive and continuous evaluation of the child's understanding and knowledge and the ability to apply it.
Need for Curriculum Revision The Higher Level Committee met on 19.07.2012 at the chamber of the Hon’ble Minister for Education decided to revise the existing School Curriculum, Syllabus and the Textbooks of all classes up to Higher Secondary level.
The Higher Level committee entrusted SCERT with the works related to revision of existing Curriculum, Syllabus and the Textbooks of all classes up to Higher Secondary level, to be introduced from the academic year 2014-‘15.
The Government of Kerala as per the recommendations of the 36th Curriculum Steering Committee constituted an Expert Committee for Curriculum revision.
The Governor of Kerala’s Policy Address to the legislative Assembly referred to the revision of Higher Secondary School Curriculum to be introduced from the year 2014 Some gaps in the textbooks have been found out by the study organised by SCERT which are to be bridged by a revision process.
The last two revision processes considered revision of curriculum up to Class X that did not cover Higher Secondary classes. Once in every five year the State of Kerala revise the School Curriculum and other related learning materials.
Philosophical Basis of Curriculum revision Constructivism The National Curriculum Framework (NCF 2005) is centred on the idea that human knowledge and learning is actively constructed by the learner, not passively received from the environment.
Approach to Curriculum Activity based Learner centred Process oriented Assuring CCA Focus on outcomes
Present Curriculum Revision Process Developed a Vision Paper before the commencement of the Curriculum Revision Developed a comprehensive Syllabus Grid from Pre- Primary to Higher Secondary The textbooks & Handbooks of Stds. I, III, V, VII and XI revised for 2013 - ’14. The textbooks of Stds. II, IV, VI, VIII and XII will be revised during 2014 - ’15. The textbooks of Stds. IX and X will be revised during 2015 - ’16.
FOCAL AREAS Defining and implementing appropriate curricula Providing appropriate teaching and learning materials Using appropriate learning experiences Harnessing technology and effective use for ensuring learning Developing committed and motivated teachers Undertaking meaningful assessment (CCA) Promoting community participation Managing physical assets effectively Strengthening monitoring & management Creating a child-friendly environment
LAUNCHING OF NEW CURRICULUM 2014 June Training for capacity building & professional development of teachers – April- 2014 Developing e-Texts – May 2014 Developing Parental Text (Activities for children with guidance to parents) - May 2014 Orientation of SMC – May 2014 Empowering teacher training institutes for monitoring and OSS.
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