Brief to the Canadian Forces Logistics Association BGen Neville Russell Strategic J4, SJS
Outline Strategic J4 The Logistics Branch and the Role of the Canadian Forces Logistics Association
Functional Authority Sustainment capability requirements and development; Transportation; Food services; DND Road and Vehicle Safety Program; and Fuel and lubricants. Responsibilities Responsible to provide strategic sustainment advice to the CDS. Responsible to provide strategic coordination, prioritization and synchronization of strategic level sustainment activities and sustainment support to operations. Responsible to act as the bridging office between the CAF and DND for sustainment activities. Responsible to guide the establishment and oversight of CAF sustainment readiness. Responsible to develop and manage strategic level logistics agreements and arrangements in support of CAF operations. Responsible to provide strategic level governance and assurance of logistics programs. Responsible to guide the development of sustainment strategy and doctrine. Responsible to oversee CAF supply chain performance and material accountability (as co-champion of the Defence Global Supply Chain). Responsible for Ammunition Program integration. Responsible for Operational Support (OS) force development. Strat J4 ARAs Accountabilities Accountable to the CDS for the integration and oversight of CAF sustainment. Accountable to the DM for the management of financial resources and civilian human resources assigned to the Strat J4. Accountable to the CDS for the management of military human resources assigned to the Strat J4. Accountable to the DM and the CDS for the management of obligations in areas including, but not limited to, materiel, information, infrastructure, environment, security, and health and safety, in accordance with legislation, policies and regulations, as a result of Strat J4 activities and operations.
Strategic J4 - Spiral #1 4 Sustainment Operations (17/2/0/0) Sustainment Readiness (18/0/0/1) Sustainment Strategy / Doctrine / LL Strategic Engagements Readiness Capability Development & Integration Foods Transportation Fuels Ammo DG Support Strategic J4 (BGen) Integral Support (2/0/0/1) Plans Supply Postal Current Operations Logistics Programs (26/12/0/40) Secretariat Training Production Logistics Branch Integrator (10/2/1/1) Total – 134 Transfers – 114 New positions - 20
Strategic J4 - Spiral #2 5 Sustainment Operations (17/2/0/0) Sustainment Readiness (18/0/0/1) Sustainment Strategy / Doctrine / LL Strategic Engagements Readiness Capability Development & Integration Foods Transportation Fuels Ammo DG Support Strategic J4 (BGen) Integral Support (2/0/0/1) Plans Supply Postal Current Operations Logistics Programs (26/12/0/40) Secretariat Training Production Logistics Branch Integrator (10/2/1/1) Supply Chain Study Leadership / Organizations / Staffs / ARAs / Policies / Procedures / Performance / Management / Cost Effectiveness
The Logistics Branch and the Role of the Canadian Forces Logistics Association
Senior Council Support The Senior Council: –Recognizes the need and value of the CF Logistics Association –Endorses the perspective that the CF Logistics Association is an extension of the Logistics Branch and needs to be developed jointly. –Supports three primary objectives for the CF Logistics Association Promote esprit de corps for serving and retired members Advocate for and promote the military logistics function Support the “Logistics” family –Will actively promote and support the CF Logistics Association, through the LBI and chain of command
Proposed Mission The mission of the Logistics Association is to advocate for the advancement of the military logistics function and to foster the esprit de corps of serving and former members of the Logistics Branch.
Proposed Vision The Logistics Association is a robust fraternal body that works in close collaboration with the Logistics Branch to actively foster enthusiastic esprit de corps of serving and former military logisticians and is Canada's leading advocate for the Canadian military logistics function.
Objective # 1 Promote esprit de corps for serving and retired members –Organize and support the Annual Logistics Golf tournament –Participate in the planning and provide support to the Logistics Branch’s 50 th anniversary –Recognize achievements in military logistics through an awards program –Provide support to the promotion of the Branch’s history and heritage –Provide input into the Logistics Branch Newsletter –Investigate linkups with DGPA websites and means
Objective # 2 A dvocate for and promote the military logistics function –Be an advocate for the Branch in all things with all potential partners/supporters (i.e. CDA) –Educate and promote through development of papers and articles –Hold an annual professional conference –Provide a forum for the exchange of information between serving and retired members of the Logistics Branch –become a conduit for sponsorship and relationships with industry and potential donor –pursue partnerships with other associations, both military/defence related and outside government including professional bodies and associations.
Objective # 3 Support the “Logistics” family –Recognize our deceased members –Care for the extended family - Assist where possible members, spouses and children in need of support –Provide educational bursaries
The Way Ahead Jointly (Branch & Assoc) strengthen the Association’s foundation –integrated Executive committee –modern constitution (Mission, Vision, goals, etc) –regional chapters –a robust and active membership composed of current and former officers and NCMs of the Logistics Branch –Effective funding model