WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Outdoor Investigations
Wildlife Biology ENTRY TASK : Read thought the provided handout and write the number of things you have done at the top right side of the paper and circle it LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Getting to know your wild side
TODAY’S PLAN Getting to know your wild side questionnaire Map of the room Necessary Gear for the class Exploring Wilderness
Wear Appropriate Footwear!! Keep a pair of sturdy sneakers, hiking boots, or work boots in your locker at all times Wear layers – light rain jacket recommended Some type of work gloves – washable better
Who is the wildest? Circulate around the room, find people that you do not know or that you have not talk with before. Introduce yourselves. Find out if they have done some of the things listed on the Getting to Know your Wild Side handout. Write their name by the quote. See who is the first person to record 20 people. That person will make the noise of her/his favorite animal so we know when to stop. I will ask the people recorded some questions. With your group, create four new I have … sentences related to wildlife or doing activities outdoors, or some knowledge you have about outdoorsy stuff Have a spokesperson ready in your group to share your created sentences with the class! Will vote for the best four!!!
Wildlife Biology ENTRY TASK : Get your Get to Know your Wild Side handout from yesterday and think of one more I have … statement related to wildlife activities we can add to the list LEARNING OBJECTIVE: What do wildlife biologists do? What is wilderness?
TODAY’S PLAN Finish Getting to Know your Wild Side activity What does a wildlife biologist do?
Who is the wildest? Circulate around the room, find people that you do not know or that you have not talk with before. Introduce yourselves. Find out if they have done some of the things listed on the Getting to Know your Wild Side handout. Write their name by the quote. See who is the first person to record 20 people. That person will make the noise of her/his favorite animal so we know when to stop. I will ask the people recorded some questions. With your group, create four new I have … sentences related to wildlife or doing activities outdoors, or some knowledge you have about outdoorsy stuff Have a spokesperson ready in your group to share your created sentences with the class! Will vote for the best four!!!
Create word bubble(s) or a caption for Larsen’s cartoon
What do Wildlife Biologists do? RI9Y RI9Y biologist biologist FRo FRo
Wildlife Biology ENTRY TASK (ET) : Get your binder for this class out and on a blank paper write the title: Introduction to Wildlife Biology and Conservation – Unit 1 You will keep a chronological log of all the entry tasks and learning objectives for the unit. Each COMPLETE entry task and learning objective will receive 5 points at the end of the unit when I check your binder!! LEARNING OBJECTIVE (LO): What is wilderness? How was the Wilderness Act of 1964 created?
TODAY’S PLAN Start Exploring - Wilderness Activity
What is Wilderness?
Wildlife Biology ENTRY TASK (ET) : Think about some threats that wilderness/protected areas face today. List all the ones you can come up with LEARNING OBJECTIVE (LO): What is wilderness? How was the Wilderness Act of 1964 created?
TODAY’S PLAN Wilderness Activity complete the timeline Discussion questions
Views of the National Parks – explore nature plans/ plans/
Wildlife Biology ENTRY TASK (ET) : If you were in charged of a wilderness area, what would be the most important thing/aspect to protect or preserve? LEARNING OBJECTIVE (LO): Management of wilderness areas, who and how
TODAY’S PLAN Go over Class Syllabus Discussion questions Finish Timeline How is Wilderness Managed? activity
What is Wilderness? Why do we need Wilderness? letter-to-americas-wilderness/ letter-to-americas-wilderness/ important-ever important-ever
Who manages the National Wilderness Areas? Multiple agencies, including the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, the Fish and Wildlife Service, and the U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land ManagementNational Park ServiceFish and Wildlife ServiceU.S. Forest Service
Wildlife Biology ENTRY TASK (ET) : In preparation for tomorrow’s outdoor trip, Do we have any wildlife around our school? What have you seen that can qualify as wildlife? LEARNING OBJECTIVE (LO): Management of wilderness areas, who and how Threats to wilderness areas
TODAY’S PLAN Discussion questions Finish Timeline How is Wilderness Managed? activity
What is Wilderness? Why do we need Wilderness? letter-to-americas-wilderness/ letter-to-americas-wilderness/ important-ever important-ever
Discussion Questions Think about how and why wilderness type settings were aggressively eliminated when the newcomers arrived to North America.
Discussion Questions Check on when and where was the term “The Commons” first used. How does this term or idea relate to wilderness?
Discussion Questions How is your definition of wilderness similar or different from the one given by the Congress in the Wilderness Act document?
Congress’ Definition of Wilderness A wilderness, in contrast with those areas where man and his own works dominate the landscape, is hereby recognized as an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain. An area of wilderness is further defined to mean in this Act an area of undeveloped Federal land retaining its primeval character and influence, without permanent improvements or human habitation, which is protected and managed so as to preserve its natural conditions and which (1)generally appears to have been affected primarily by the forces of nature, with the imprint of man's work substantially unnoticeable; (2)has outstanding opportunities for solitude or a primitive and unconfined type of recreation; (3)has at least five thousand acres of land or is of sufficient size as to make practicable its preservation and use in an unimpaired condition; and (4) may also contain ecological, geological, or other features of scientific, educational, scenic, or historical value.
Discussion Questions Why do you think Congress defined “wilderness” the way it did?
Discussion Questions How are wilderness areas different from parks, refuges, or forests? park-national-forest-and-national-wildlife-refuge/ park-national-forest-and-national-wildlife-refuge/
Timeline Discuss with your group which events are the most relevant before the Wilderness Act of 1964 was enacted. Circle the three events that for your group were the most influential in getting the Wilderness Act passed Be ready to support your selection TURN IN “WHAT IS WILDERNES HANDOUT!!
Wilderness Bureaus Outline Complete the information on this handout by going to the website: ess/HTML/01_Intro.htm ess/HTML/01_Intro.htm Click on the “HOW” tab, and then on “Managing Agencies” - tab at the bottom
Wildlife Biology ENTRY TASK (ET) : Which are the main agencies that manage wilderness areas? LEARNING OBJECTIVE (LO): Outdoor wildlife observations
TODAY’S PLAN Managing agencies Going outside! Recording observations
Wilderness Bureaus Outline Complete the information on this handout by going to the website: ess/HTML/01_Intro.htm ess/HTML/01_Intro.htm Click on the “HOW” tab, and then on “Managing Agencies” - tab at the bottom
Outdoors Wildlife Observations What to record? Date Location Weather conditions (temperature, precipitation, humidity, …) Describe the terrain (flat, slope, wooded area, low bushes, grasses, etc.) Species of plants or animals that you recognize Describe or make drawings of species of plants or animals that you do not know Anything else that you consider worth noting, or interesting!!!
Wildlife Biology ENTRY TASK (ET) : Do you think that the strategy of “draw a line around it and leave it alone” is enough to protect wilderness from current threats? Why or why not? LEARNING OBJECTIVE (LO): Main threats to wilderness areas
TODAY’S PLAN Threats to Wilderness areas activity and questions Check entry tasks so far
“Draw the line and leave it alone” What suggestions do you have? Discuss in your groups and come up with an idea or two that you all agree on
Multiple choice questions With your group, write 4 multiple choice (a, b, c, & d) questions for a quiz tomorrow on wilderness areas The four areas to cover: 1. About the wilderness act of About what wilderness is defined 3. About agencies managing the wilderness areas 4. About threats to wilderness
Threats to Wilderness Activity Decide on which is the threat that in your opinion, poses the greatest risk to the preservation of wilderness Answer these questions in your binder: 1. Why did you chose this threat? 2. Why do you think it poses the greatest risk? 3. What kinds of things may prevent or reduce this risk? On the post it note write your name, your chosen threat, and why you chose it. Post your note on the corresponding whiteboard When you are back to your group, talk to someone that chose a different threat and explain your reasoning
Threats to Wilderness Activity Pair up with someone that chose a different threat Explain to each other the reasoning for your choices
Threats to Wilderness Activity On the back of your current handout, write a good quality persuasive paragraph that states your opinion about what poses the greatest threat to the preservation of wilderness. Back up your opinion with at least three reasons Please use your best penmanship so I can read it!!!! THANK YOU!!!!