Amsterdam - 15 november Chris Aalberts - Seducing the young: MTV, rap and other grotesque attempts to make politics sexy Chris Aalberts
Amsterdam - 15 november Chris Aalberts - Introduction Young people are not interested in politics Solution: sexy politics Politicians appear in popular television shows Pop stars talk about political issues Politicians talk about their favorite music Question: does sexy politics make politics more Interesting for the young?
Amsterdam - 15 november Chris Aalberts - Politics on MTV (1) Political programs on MTV U.S.: Choose or Loose Britain: Tony Blair on the war in Iraq The Netherlands: Coolpolitics
Amsterdam - 15 november Chris Aalberts - Politics on MTV (2) Effects of MTV: Young people watch politics in traditional genres Young people get their information from traditional genres 50% of the American youth think MTV’s political programmes are useful Many politicians want to be interviewed on MTV. Why?
Amsterdam - 15 november Chris Aalberts - List Zero (1) Youth program on politics MTV-style with pop music and popular presenters Relevant issues for young people Third series
Amsterdam - 15 november Chris Aalberts - List Zero (2) Audience reach: 16 october viewers 23 october viewers 30 october viewers 6 november viewers And... a majority of older viewers Politicians are still enthousiastic about List Zero. Why?
Amsterdam - 15 november Chris Aalberts - Political rap (1) Rap songs on politics For example: Stem of sterf! (Vote or die)
Amsterdam - 15 november Chris Aalberts - Political rap (2) Effects: Young people prefer traditional genres Young people talk about issues from these raps... When they were already interested in them Only a small group likes these songs Still the media present these raps as a means to make politics attractive for the young. Why?
Amsterdam - 15 november Chris Aalberts - Politicians on Hyves (1) A popular online network of friends Become friends with the prime minister!
Amsterdam - 15 november Chris Aalberts - Politicians on Hyves (2) Audience reach: Balkenende friends Bos friends Rutte friends Halsema friends Many journalists seem to think that this is an interesting development. Why?
Amsterdam - 15 november Chris Aalberts - Sexy politics? (1) Paradox: No proof of any effects but... Still many people believe that sexy politics is a solution to political disinterest How can we explain this paradox?
Amsterdam - 15 november Chris Aalberts - Sexy politics? (2) Young people’s perceptions on politics: Young people think that politics is important... And that it is boring Political disinterest is a bad thing For them, politics is not entertainment... It should be serious... And politicians should talk about their policies
Amsterdam - 15 november Chris Aalberts - Conclusion Politics is too important to be sexy Young people say they are not influenced That seems to be true: there is no proof of any effects Still many people believe that effects occur They believe that others are influenced Popular culture is seen as useful for disinterested people
Amsterdam - 15 november Chris Aalberts - More research… Audience research is needed: Who are the fans of political rap? Do they exist? How do they interpret those songs? Who are the friends of Jan Peter Balkenende? Why do they want to be friends with him? Who are the visitors on political debates on LowLands? Why are they there?