Andrew Harrison Debbie Greenfield Visit, July 2 nd 2008 The Institut Laue-Langevin The Institut Laue Langevin a 10 minute introduction Andrew Harrison Director General
Andrew Harrison Debbie Greenfield Visit, July 2 nd 2008 The Institut Laue-Langevin The Institut Laue Langevin a 10 minute introduction Replaced by: Trevor Forsyth Senior Fellow and Head of Life Sciences Group
I dea proposed in 1964 Laboratory funding agreed in 1967 by France and Germany Reactor first critical in 1971; first researchers in 1972 – 58 MW Un peu d’histoire
Evolution of ILL as world leader World-leader for 35 years. Why? –Very high flux - 58 MW – plus hot (2700 K) and cold (20 K) sources
Evolution of ILL as world leader World-leader for 35 years. Why? –Very high flux - 58 MW – plus hot (2700 K) and cold (20 K) sources –Efficient neutron guides
Evolution of ILL as world leader World-leader for 35 years. Why? –Very high flux - 58 MW – plus hot (2700 K) and cold (20 K) sources –Efficient neutron guides –Strong culture of instrumental development
Andrew Harrison Debbie Greenfield Visit, July 2 nd 2008 A magnet for other facilities
Role of ILL in Europe Associates (owners): France, Germany, UK Scientific Partners –Spain1987 –Switzerland 1988 –Austria 1990 –Russia 1996 –Italy 1997 –Czech Rep 1999 –Sweden,Hungary 2005 –Belgium, Poland 2006 Now cover 94% of EU Grenoble
Andrew Harrison Debbie Greenfield Visit, July 2 nd 2008 Demand for beam-time Demand for beam-time through peer-reviewed panels rising In 2006 (reactor running for 200 days; 75% to users) –623 experiments on 25 ILL-funded and 9 CRG instruments –1500 visitors from 36 countries –Approximately 450 publications p.a.
National balance: access to beamtime Beamtime allocation broadly reflects share of financial support by country countryallocated days allocated in % AT47,841,47 BE35,521,09 CH102,923,15 CZ30,520,93 DE735,5722,53 ES217,106,65 FR873,6626,75 GB772,3523,65 HU7,610,23 IT230,847,07 RU172,525,28 SE39,041,20 total3265,50100,00 Nationality of ILL users (2006) National distribution of beam-time allocated through peer review in 2006
National balance: staff
Staff: how we are organised Divisions –Science; Projects and Techniques; Reactor; Administration
The changing facilities landscape
Staying ahead: the Millennium Programme Strong endorsement of strategy from Associates Additional funding (+2M€ p.a.) promised for next 6 years –*** amount in this period total –But NB – this is only equivalent to 1 instrument pa renewal IN5 – x 60 gain Largest linear PSD in world for neutrons D7 x 50 World’s most efficient 3 He spin filter
Andrew Harrison Site development PSCM new site entrance and training centre conferences training outreach restaurant extension creche deliveries and distribution Partnership for Structural Biology (PSB) IBS2
Andrew Harrison ILL Subcommittee Meeting – 4-5 th November 2008 Presqu’ile Scientifique 10 years from now?
Andrew Harrison Debbie Greenfield Visit, July 2 nd 2008