Lesson 17 Day 4
Focus Skill: Fact and Opinion
Some words and phrases that signal an opinion are: should, must be, best, worst, I think, & I believe
Fact and Opinion A fact is a statement that can be proved. An opinion is a statement that expresses a feeling or belief.
Fact and Opinion Sentences Read each sentence and write on your paper FACT if it is a fact and Opinion if it expresses an OPINION. New York is a wonderful place to live because there is so much to look at. My artwork is very simple and graceful. There is a portrait on the table. My mother and father were Holocaust survivors
Fact and Opinion Sentences I can’t imagine anything more wonderful, other than maybe being a dolphin. The desert blooms with barely any water.
When an author writes in the first person he will refer to himself or herself as I. Some other first-person pronouns are my, mine, we, our, ours.
Directions for making modeling clay Materials: Mixing bowl 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil Wooden spoon 1 cup flour ¾ cups water 1 cup salt Directions: 1.Put the water, flour, oil, and salt in the bowl. 2.Mix the ingredients together so they form a soft ball. 3.Sprinkle flour on a countertop and knead the dough. 4.Mold the dough into the shapes you want.
The people who came before you in your family are your ancestors. Who are some of your ancestors?
Things that are brilliant are very bright, and often shiny. Would you be more likely to see brilliant objects in the window of a jewelry shop or in a park? Why?
Something exotic is unusual and interesting because it came from a faraway place. What is the most exotic food you have ever eaten?
If a person is graceful, he or she moves in a smooth way that is nice to look at. Is a graceful person likely to trip over his or her own feet? Explain.
Someone who is mischievous likes to play tricks on other people. If you had to care for a mischievous puppy, would you be nervous? Why or why not?
If you participate in a game, you are involved in it. In what ways do fans participate in a baseball or football game?
Spelling: Words ending with /ər/ lunar cellar collar corner danger director doctor dollar tinker finger honor horror labor master motor ancestor checkers power regular sugar Challenge Words: contractor cellular hamburger pasture inventor T31