The Game Board Team Saucebox: Alicia Gaghan Alex Hanemann Mark Sugiyama Advisor: Dr. Wayne Lu Client: Dr. Andrew Nuxoll Industry Advisor: Karl Cyr
Overview Electronic game board Improve the aesthetics and functionality of classic and contemporary board games Play against an AI opponent using real pieces
The Story So Far #DescriptionTarget DateCompletion Date 1 Project Proposal08/31/12 2 Functional Specification v0.909/21/12 3 Functional Specification v0.959/28/12 4 Functional Specification v1.010/05/12 5 Component Selection Complete10/12/12 6 Basic Checkers Program Complete 10/26/12
What’s Next #DescriptionTarget Date 7 Design Document v0.911/02/12 8 Checkers Program and AI Complete11/05/12 9 Design Document v0.9511/09/12 10 Design Document v1.011/16/12 11 Final Budget Complete11/16/12 12 Board Software/Hardware Interfacing Complete11/23/12
Design Component V IN V OUT 10 kΩ V IN 1 kΩ Arduino V IN (9 V)GND
Example Sensor Data and Designator
Potential Issues Sensing through acrylic What pieces can we use? Fit everything in the board
Conclusion On schedule so far Expect to have time for extras