“The Main Event” Running Effective Chapter Meetings
By: Kristi Rhodes:VP Jen Oseland: Secretary Scott Fitterer: VP
Top 10 Reasons Why Students Don’t Attend Meetings *10.Have other ________ 9. No __________ 8. _______ don’t go 7. Don’t _______ what happens 6. Nothing gets 5. No one seems like they want to be _____ 4. Weren’t _______ 3. Didn’t _____ about it 2. Meetings are ______ 1. Never ________
Keys to Effective Meetings Attraction ________
Organization Agenda: should be posted ___ _____in advance Main Purpose Consistency: dates, times, place. Everything needs to be finalized ______the meeting begins and members arrive Be prepared
Officer Responsibilities At Executive meetings All officers should be on the same page Discuss disagreements Delegate to_________
Top 10 reasons students want to come to a chapter meeting