Insert date here Presentation to 4 th PANI 3 Management Committee PANI 3 Results - Aptitude Test Correlations
Application of Psychometric Tests SHL Applied Technology Series –Demonstrated reliability & validity –Publicly available –Norms available General Cognitive Ability –Following Instructions –Numerical Estimation Spatial Visualisation/Abstract Reasoning –Fault-finding –Spatial Checking –Diagrammatic Thinking Mechanical Aptitude –Mechanical Comprehension
Application of Psychometric Tests Gordon’s Personal Profile Inventory –Ascendancy (self assurance) –Responsibility (conscientiousness) –Sociability (need for others) –Emotional Stability (anxiousness) –Cautiousness (risk aversion) –Original Thinking (laterality of thought) –Personal Relationships (trust in others) –Vigour (energy / fast paced)
Data Analysis Data analysis performed on data provided by forty participants Comparison with norms Assess relationship against NDT performance measures Correlation between scores on ability tests and NDT task Correlation between scores on personality scales and NDT task Correlation between years of experience and performance on NDT task
Data Analysis Ability Tests - Comparison with norms TestNormOp Datatp Following Instructions >0.05 Numerical Estimation P<0.001 Mechanical Comp P<0.001 Fault Finding P<0.01 Spatial Checking P<0.001 Diagram Thinking P<0.05
Data Analysis Ability Tests – Comparison with Norms NDT operators perform better than average worker on –Numerical Estimation –Mechanical Comprehension NDT operators perform poorer than average worker on –Spatial Checking –Fault Finding –Diagrammatic Thinking i.e. Spatial Visualisation/Abstract Reasoning
Data Analysis Personality Scales – Comparison with Norms ScaleNormOp Datatp Ascendancy <0.01 Responsibility <0.01 Emotional Stability >0.05 Sociability <0.05 Cautiousness <0.001 Original Thinking >0.05 Personal Relationships >0.05 Vigour >0.05
Data Analysis Personality Scales – Comparison with Norms NDT operators score higher on responsibility and cautiousness than norm group of UK employed males NDT operators score lower on ascendancy (self assurance) and sociability (need for others) than norm group of UK employed males
Data Analysis NDT Performance Measures Flaw Detection/Omission Frequency Average Defect Position Error Average Defect Size Error False Positives All highly inter-correlated and form single factor from which an overall index of NDT error performance can be derived.
Data Analysis Correlation between NDT error performance and ability tests A negative correlation between NDT error performance and mechanical comprehension –r = p = Operators with higher mechanical understanding perform with lower error on the NDT task Which apparatus requires less force to begin moving the block? If equal mark C
Data Analysis Correlation between NDT error performance and personality variables. Positive correlation found between NDT error performance and: Sociability (need for others) –r = p=0.032 Cautiousness –r = p=0.020, Original thinking –r = p=0.035 Operators lower in sociability, cautiousness and original thinking perform with lower error on the NDT task
Data Analysis Correlation between years of experience and NDT error performance. Negative correlation between years of Ultrasonic testing experience and NDT error performance approaching significance –r = p= Correlation between years of general NDT experience and NDT error performance not significant –r = p = Operators with more Ultrasonic NDT experience produce fewer errors in NDT tasks
Data Analysis Multiple Regression 52% of variance in NDT error performance explained by –Mechanical Comprehension* –Sociability –Cautiousness* –Original Thinking* –Years of Ultrasonic Testing Experience Variables highlighted (*) each independently contributes to the prediction of operator performance
Clarification & Discussion?