Academic Vocabulary Journals
Six Steps for Building Academic Vocabulary Dr. Robert Marzano
Step One The teacher provides a description, explanation, or example of the new term.
responsibilities My job is a teacher. I have certain responsibilities that I must do in order to do my job correctly. Some of these responsibilities are to plan lessons and then to teach those lessons to my students.
Step Two The teacher will ask the learner to give a description, explanation, or example of the new term in his/her own words.
responsibilities what someone has to do do my work, listen to my teacher
Step Three The teacher will ask the learner to draw a picture, symbol, or locate a graphic to represent the new term.
Step Four The learner will participate in activities that provide more knowledge of the words in their vocabulary notebooks.
Step Five The learner will discuss the term with other learners.
Think – Pair - Share
Step Six The learner will participate in games that provide more reinforcement of the new term.
Directions: 1. Player rolls die or spins to determine number of moves. Before moving, the player draws a vocabulary card. 2. Player does not move until he describes or uses the vocabulary word on the game card drawn in a sentence. 3. If the player responds correctly, he moves his token the number of spaces his spin or die roll indicated. If he responds incorrectly, he remains in his space. Vocabulary Game
START Take the Short cut Miss one turn. Take the Short cut Miss one turn. Take an extra turn. Move back 1 space. Move ahead 1 space. END