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Indonesia is a large chain of islands north of Australia. More than 18,000 islands make up the country of Indonesia. From one end of Indonesia to the other, it’s almost as wide as the U.S. Most of the people live on the large central island called Java. Most of Indonesia is covered with tropical rain forests.
Flag of Indonesia
PEOPLE GROUPS: Javanese (40%), Sundanese (15%), various tribal groups CAPITAL CITY: Jakarta (9 million) POPULATION: 248 million LANGUAGES: Bahasa Indonesia (official), English, Dutch, local dialects (mostly Javanese) Indonesia QUICK FACTS
ASSEMBLIES OF GOD FACTS: 29 U.S. AG missionaries work with over 2,700 churches and nearly 3,000 ministers. Almost 100,000 people worship in the churches. Eight Bible schools are training 413 new pastors. RELIGIONS: Muslim (86%), Protestant (6%), Roman Catholic (3%), Hindu (2%). Today, Indonesia has the world’s largest Muslim population. Indonesia QUICK FACTS