Financial Management from a Program Perspective A workshop for Senior Finance Staff Presented By: Michael Lynch and Tisha Womack
Workshop Objectives Provide Senior Financial Management Staff with an overview what Programs make up Florida’s Workforce System Provide a general understanding of the purpose of the different programs and how they are supposed to operate Provide a general understanding of how program policy flows Provide an understanding of why financial staff need to understand programs Provide information on how program and financial staff can and should work together
Office of Workforce Program Support Wagner- Peyser Veterans Services Military Family Employment Advocacy Program Re- Employment Services Workforce Investment Act Welfare Transition Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Trade Adjustment Assistance Displaced Homemaker WOTC Disability Navigator Other programs
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Chapter 445, Section 20.50, Florida Statutes, creates a three-tiered workforce system. Workforce Florida, Inc., is the statewide workforce strategy and policy-setting board required by federal and state law. The Department of Economic Opportunity is the Governor’s designated state agency for operation of federal workforce programs, recipient of federal grant awards and the administrative entity for Florida’s workforce system. Regional Workforce Boards are local, business-led, demand- driven boards that develop local strategy and policy and oversee service delivery of One-Stop Career Centers by providing services directly or through competitively procured service providers
Florida’s Workforce System Program Development & Guidance Performance Management & Oversight Federal Performance & Financial Reporting Compliance & Financial Monitoring Technical Assistance & Support Workforce Staff Training & Development Labor Market Statistics Reemployment Services Program Development & Guidance Performance Management & Oversight Federal Performance & Financial Reporting Compliance & Financial Monitoring Technical Assistance & Support Workforce Staff Training & Development Labor Market Statistics Reemployment Services Operation of Local One-Stop Career Centers Workforce Service Delivery to Job Seekers and Employers Local Workforce Plan Development & Implementation Local Compliance & Financial Oversight and Accountability Local Workforce Performance & Financial Tracking and Reporting Operation of Local One-Stop Career Centers Workforce Service Delivery to Job Seekers and Employers Local Workforce Plan Development & Implementation Local Compliance & Financial Oversight and Accountability Local Workforce Performance & Financial Tracking and Reporting Workforce Florida, Inc. Department of Economic Opportunity 24 Regional Workforce Boards Strategic Planning Research & Development Policy Direction Budget Approval Funding Allocations Chartering Regional Boards Local Workforce Board Plan Approval Strategic Planning Research & Development Policy Direction Budget Approval Funding Allocations Chartering Regional Boards Local Workforce Board Plan Approval Policy Administration and Operation Local Delivery System
Florida’s Workforce System Florida’s workforce delivery system is a dynamic demand-driven network that provides an array of workforce services to Employers and Job Seekers. Services are provided via a network of One-Stop Career Centers under the direction of Florida’s 24 Regional Workforce Boards. Both Business and Job Applicant Services are provided
Workforce Florida Strategic Planning Research & Development Policy Direction Budget Approval Funding Allocations Chartering Regional Boards Local Workforce Board Plan Approval
Department of Economic Opportunity Program Development & Guidance Performance Management & Oversight Federal Performance & Financial Reporting Compliance & Financial Monitoring Technical Assistance & Support Workforce Staff Training & Development Labor Market Information
Regional Workforce Boards Operation of local One-Stop Career Centers Workforce Service Delivery to Job Seekers and Employers Local Workforce Plan Development & Implementation Local Compliance & Financial Oversight and Accountability Local Workforce Performance & Financial Tracking and Reporting
One-Stop Provider Does All
authorized FTEs assigned to the RWBs 158 of those are Vet Staff who work only with Vets Remaining are primarily funded with Wagner- Peyser (Employment Services) funding A few are assigned to the federal Trade Act Program An additional 150+ OPS temporary staff (cannot be Vets Staff) These staff form the backbone for day to day one-stop operations Overview of Joint-Managed Staffing
Areas where Finance and Program Staff should Interact Understanding how funds are allocated Discretionary Funding/Proposal Development Development of Budgets/Management of Budgets (ITAs) Personnel costs versus infrastructure costs Cost allocation Monitoring and Management Performance and Closeout
Areas where Finance and Program Staff should Interact Program Management (who calls the shots) Preparation of reports Board Level Staff Level Performance Reviews Monitoring Reviews Funding decisions
Open Discussion Questions and Answers