Structured Education – How do we know we are doing a good job? Lisa Skinner And Kate Marsden DSNs, QA Hospital, Portsmouth.
Who and Why? We are a team of about 5 WTE DSNs (covering the acute trust and local PCTs), Endocrine Nurse Specialist and dietitians. We are a team with a history of trying to review the effectiveness of our interventions …….. In short …….. Its what we try to do! BUT Historically has been less structured and more focused on our 1:1consultations.
What helped? NICE DOH Self Assessment Tool, 2006 Members of team are DESMOND educators and part of the regional QD team.
How far have we got? Identified programmes and a lead for each. Process. Whole team review of; Guidance Philosophy Theories BBC JIGSAW SIG Neuropathy Pump New Type 1
Strengths / Challenges. The QD process supports personal, professional and service development even before the end result is achieved Team commitment Time Mixture of personalities within team Training
BBC Groups….An Example… Structured group education for conversion to a basal bolus insulin regimen 4 sessions over a period of 6 months facilitated by a DSN, Specialist Dietitian or both Participants explore frustrations with their current insulin regimen and are assisted to set specific and realistic goals for the programme HbA1c, body weight and PAID and WHO are assessed prior to sessions and on completion of the course
Process 1.Underpinning philosophy and educational theories (whole team review) 2.Writing the curriculum: Learning opportunities Content Educator activity Participant activity Session plan 3.Quality Development 4.Development of competencies 5.Programme evaluation
Quality Development 6 trained Educators QD to begin in 2009 on an internal basis QD ‘tool’ taken from the curriculum to ensure: –That the educators are grounded in our departmental philosophy for structured education (educator behaviours) –That the content for each session is covered
Examples…. Content Covered: –Identification of participants frustrations with their current insulin regimen and what they hope to achieve by changing to basal bolus (goals) –Introduction to carbohydrates including the ‘carbohydrate game’
Examples….. Process: –Assists participants to identify their frustrations with their current insulin regimen by asking open questions that enable reflection –Assists participants to identify what they hope to achieve by changing their insulin regimen to basal bolus through asking open questions and allowing time for reflection –Facilitates the ‘Carbohydrate Game’ enabling a discussion around participants’ questions and learning