Are you typical??? Pre-thinking questions…. 1.Is the typical person left or right handed? 2.How much money does the typical person make in a year? 3.What percentage of the world has a bank account and cell phone 4. Is the typical person male or female? 5. What is the average age of the typical person 6.What is the typical ethnic group? 7.How many gallons of water does the typical American use in a day? 8.Video -- Seven Billion: Are You Typical? -- National GeographicVideo -- Seven Billion: Are You Typical? -- National Geographic
Population and Point of View Population Connection Population Research Institute
1. Birthrate 2. Death Rate 3. Zero Population Growth 4. Rate of Natural Increase 5. Fertility Rate 6. Infant Mortality Rate 7. Population Pyramid 8. Push-Pull Factors 9. Population Density 10.Population Distribution 11.Carrying Capacity
12. Demographics 13. Replacement Rate (2.1) 14. Developed Countries 15. Developing Countries 16. Thomas Malthus (1798) 17. Pandemic (example = Black Death / Bubonic Plague)
What is the message and the point of view of the Dot Video from PopulationConnection ???
Watch the following video clips, and prepare to discuss and ask questions: #1 Overpopulation: The Making of a Myth - YouTubeOverpopulation: The Making of a Myth - YouTube #2 #3 Food: There's Lots Of It - YouTubeFood: There's Lots Of It - YouTube
1. What is the point of view of the Population Research Institute? 2. How does this point of view differ from Population Connection? 3. Can you find any common ground in the two points of view? 4. What do you think? What more would you need to know? 5. How do you think a person’s perspective would influence their thoughts on population?
Use the vocabulary list you made at the beginning to complete the following thesis statement, and provide support for your answer: Average U.S. citizens, as well as, business communities and world leaders should understand population trends because… Bonus: What happens every ten years in the Unite States?