East Dunbartonshire Council 1 International Education Aileen Spence & Duncan Mitchell SEED Masterclass Participants (2006)
East Dunbartonshire Council 2 What is International Education (IE)? Effective International Education (IE) is about: teaching pupils about other countries (ie their religions, traditions and languages) so that they can value, engage with, and contribute to cultural diversity; helping them to form views on important global issues (eg discrimination) and to express their beliefs in a reflective manner; enabling them to become informed, thoughtful, and active international citizens.
East Dunbartonshire Council 3 Why is International Education important? A Curriculum for Excellence (ACE) RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS & EFFECTIVE CONTRIBUTORS o to develop in youngsters a sense of international equality and justice; o to develop pupil’s knowledge about the world and Scotland’s role in it; o to celebrate diversity and have respect for others; o to recognise, in a critical and balanced manner, the complexity of world issues. SUCCESSFUL LEARNERS & CONFIDENT INDIVIDUALS o help pupils think seriously about what it is to be part of an international community; o encouraging pupils to think beyond their own horizons and take a global perspective; o give pupils opportunities to make their own intelligent responses to wider issues.
East Dunbartonshire Council 4 Why is International Education important? Scottish Executive Education Department (SEED) KEY POLICY AND CURRICULUM DOCUMENTS o 2000: National Priorities in Education – NP4: Values and Citizenship o 2000: Citizens of a Multilingual World o 2001: An International Outlook: Educating Young Scots about the World o 2001: The Global Dimension in the Curriculum o 2002: Education for Citizenship in Scotland o 2003: Think Global, Act Local VISION o Wish Scotland to be viewed as an outward looking and 'thinking' nation where young people have a knowledge of the world and Scotland's place in it, so that they can engage with the growing interdependent global economy.
East Dunbartonshire Council 5 Thomas Friedman on why the story of his Computer could hold the key to world peace G2G2 Designed in Texas and Taiwan Assembled in Malaysia Graphics card made in China CD/DVD drive made In the Philippines Memory made in Germany Hard disk drive Made in Singapore Microprocessor made in Costa Rica Removable memory stick made in Israel Power cord Made in India Power adapter Made in Thailand Battery made In Mexico
East Dunbartonshire Council 6 Why is International Education important? Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Education (HMIe) KEY POLICY AND CURRICULUM DOCUMENTS o HGIOS - Citizenship o HGIOS – International Education o Journey to Excellence VISION o Echo sentiments of SEED regarding readiness for increasing globalisation. o Establishes an ethos of achievement and inclusion. o “Will be looking for evidence of it during inspections”. (Hakim Din – Nov 2006)
East Dunbartonshire Council 7 Delivering International Education Delivering International Education can encompass: THEMATIC PROJECT WORK THEMATIC CURRICULAR WORK FOREIGN LINKS (eg charitable) FOREIGN VISITS FOREIGN EXCHANGES Therefore, most schools DO NOT need a series of new initiatives to deliver International Education – rather they need to consider how best to structure and promote existing activities.
East Dunbartonshire Council 8 Supporting delivery of International Education SEED MASTERCLASS 2006 o Named IE Coordinators Named IE Coordinators o CPD opportunities o Support in providing contacts o Support in providing opportunities o Sharing good practice Sharing good practice o Good practice guide o Development of ED policy o SEED MASTERCLASS 2007
East Dunbartonshire Council 9 Contact Information Aileen Spence – Woodhill Primary ( ) Duncan Mitchell – Turnbull High School ( ) Mary Larkin – EQDS