Andrew Garzia
Fitness Buddy is a digital fitness journal with excellent features for everyone or anyone Provides different exercises ($0.99 version) Choose: Exercise by muscle From Recent and Favorite Exercises From Muscle Groups (Shoulders, Lower Body, etc.)
The Fitness Buddy App helps prevent getting into a rut when it comes to exercising With over 1,000 exercises, defining them down to the equipment needed, this app is perfect for the novice up to the die hard gym junkies
What is so great about this app? Do not know how to perform an exercise? Not only does it show you step, by step, but Fitness Buddy also has a video of someone doing it Not sure what muscle your exercise is targeting? Fitness Buddy will tell you which muscles are the primary and secondary targets in the exercise
Having problems creating a workout regiment? Fitness Buddy has built-in workouts from beginner’s difficulty up to expert difficulty. If you like a certain exercise, you can either favorite it, or add it to your own custom workout You can even add how many sets and repetitions you did with a weight for any exercise.
Cost: $0.99 Can be purchased at: iTunes App Store Google Play Store Windows Store Accessible for any Smartphone
With this app, not only will exercising be easier for a trainer, but it will help the client. This app will help the client educate themselves on how to correctly perform the exercise, which body part(s) the exercise targets, and track the client’s progress. All of these features are at anyone’s disposal for merely $0.99. It would be foolish to pass up on an opportunity like this.