SOL 2.2 Comparing Numbers By, Jennifer Sagendorf ITRT – Suffolk Public Schools
How can you compare these?
Color Size Shape Number
Let’s look at the number of bells. __ bells
This is the symbol that shows... 2 bells is less than 6 bells
The small end points to the small number.
Sometimes it makes it easier to think of it like this... 2 bells is less than 6 bells Cookies Which would you want? The alligator is hungry!
This is the symbol that shows... 6 bells is greater than 2 bells
The small end points to the small number 6 bells is greater than 2 bells
Again, think of it like this... 6 bells is greater than 2 bells Cookies
What if this happens? ____ Cookies ? ___ Cookies
What if this happens? 6 Cookies is equal to 6 Cookies
Let’s try a few together...
Now let’s draw pictures to show each question
Try to complete these without pictures
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