Chapter 13
It snowed in Coalwood
Homer rides the bus
Homer’s mom slips on ice
Old Glory
Bus rides up Coalwood Mountain
Homer and his friends went sledding all day
Homer got the Rocket Book
Homer went to Emily’s to play hearts
Homer tries to get Dorothy to kiss him
Homer sledded back home
Homer gets lost on Coalwood mountain during a blizzard
Homer made it to the top of Coalwood mountain
Homer gets saved by Geneva Eggers
Homer took off his wet clothes to get dry
Geneva cooked a meal for Homer
After he ate, he used the outhouse
He got his clothes on and Geneva told Homer to tell his dad he saw her
Homer show his dad the Rocket Book
Homer told his dad about Geneva Eggers
Dad tells Homer about his experience with Geneva Eggers
Homer learns a lot about Geneva Eggers
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Quotes from Chapter "It was the most wondrous book title I'd ever seen: PRINCIPLES OF GUIDED MISSLE DESIGN" "I was filled with glory. 'I went all the way to big creek and back with my sled!'"
Question Answers 1. to safely make it around the icy corners in case the bus slipped 2.A book about rockets 3.Join the science fair 4.That she thinks it is cool that Sonny is doing this 5.Hypothermia from the cold weather 6.That she is not a very good person and his father is the person who let her keep her shack 7.He saved her from her burning house when she was a baby