 Grab a Voices of Freedom book and flip to page 240. Complete a “HIPP” chart for this document and answer the following questions:  What are the similarities.


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Presentation transcript:

 Grab a Voices of Freedom book and flip to page 240. Complete a “HIPP” chart for this document and answer the following questions:  What are the similarities between this document and the Declaration of Independence? Why do you think the convention used this document as a model?  Summarize the grievances the women of the Seneca Falls convention list. What are the most distressing?  Note: Just leave the era of reform posters on your desk – we will use them again in a few minutes.

 US President 1828 – 1836  “Old Hickory”, Champion of the Common Man  Beliefs:  Natives and Africans do not belong in his vision of Democracy. Natives should be pushed west and Africans should remain enslaved or sent abroad.  Suspicion of banks and paper money. Fear that the market revolution was a source of moral decay  States should be the focal point of government activity  Major Events of the Jackson Presidency:  Nullification Crisis  Indian Removal  Battle with the National Bank

 Despite Jackson’s belief in State’s rights his early term was defined by a battle to uphold the supremacy of federal law.  The Tariff of 1828 – Raised taxes on imported manufactured goods made of wool and was as on raw materials like Iron. Also known as the “ Tariff of Abominations ” because of how hated it was in places like South Carolina.  Hatred was a production of Sectionalism  Many politicians like John C. Calhoun wanted to “nullify” the Tariff (See the VA and KY Resolutions of 1798 and Compact Theory )  Issue comes to a head in 1832 when the tariff is enacted. Jackson and Congress to pass the Force Bill to allow the army and navy to collect duties.  Tensions decrease in 1833 when a tariff reduction is passed.

 Indian Removal Act of provided funds for the uprooting of the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole (About 60,000) to the west.  Cherokee leaders, who had established schools and adopted written laws and a constitution in the model of the American government in Georgia petitioned the courts to recognize their sovereignty.  Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) – John Marshall says natives are “wards” of the federal government. They deserved paternal protection, but the government could not protect their rights as citizens.  Worcester v. Georgia (1832) – Marshall asserts his belief in the supremacy of the federal government. Georgia can not remove them because they are a foreign power and must deal in treaties with Washington. Jackson refused to recognize the validity of this ruling  Over the course of the next 10 years many tribes left their ancestral homelands peacefully. Last forced removal East of the Mississippi was the Cherokee removal in 1838 resulting in the “Trail of Tears”

 First National Bank (Hamilton’s brain child) 1791 – 1811  Second National Bank (Signed into existence by James Madison) 1816 – 1836  1836 – Andrew Jackson vetoes the re-chartering of the National Bank  “It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes.”  The National Bank, Jackson argued, widened the gap between the rich and the “humble member of society – the farmers, mechanics, and laborers”  State banks come into power after the veto  Jackson removes funds from its vaults and deposits them in local “ pet banks ”  Less Federal Regulation  Issue “soft money” – Amount of bank notes in circulation rises from $10 million in 1833 to $149 million in 1837  Prices increase at a faster rate than “real wages” (Inflation  Panic of 1837  Followed by a depression that lasts until 1843  Businesses fail, farmers lose their land  States begin to pass laws that prevent their governments from interacting in the economy.

 Directions : With a partner work through the documents provided to find an answer to the question – “How Democratic was Andrew Jackson?”  Your final answer will come in the form of a 1 – 2 paragraph position statement that makes reference to 8 of the documents.