The English Revolutions The Winds of Change
Notes Page This is your visual aide as an additional tool for note taking Complete the notes for each ruler in the corresponding box. Write any significant event, work or idea in the box. Write smaller than usual, you may need a lot of space.
The Stuarts Monarch – James I Came after Elizabeth I First Stuart Monarch Ruled – 1603 – 1625 Believed in the “Divine Right of Kings” Believed that kings receive their power from God and are responsible only to God Big Anglican, had the bible translated into the KJV Puritans hated him
Son of James I Ruled – 1625 – 1649 Believed in Divine Rights of Kings Continued religious issues Puritans left to America during his rule Led Britain into Civil War, supported by the Cavaliers (Royalists) Forced to sign the “English Petition of Right” Defeated by Cromwell and beheaded on 1649
Oliver Cromwell Led the New Model Army Supported by the Roundheads Overthrew Charles I After winning, purged the Parliament of all those who didn’t support him, called the “Rump Parliament” Declared England a Republic “High Protectorate of England”
Charles II Ruled – 1660 – 1685 Very sympathetic towards Catholics Overturned laws against Catholics and Puritans, but was backed down by Parliament
James II Ruled – 1685 – 1688 Uber-Catholic Caused problems between Parliament and the king Appointed Catholics to high positions in government, schools, navies and armies Old when he took power, then died, reason why Parliament didn’t start a revolution
The Glorious Revolution Led by William and Mary of Orange Ruled – Mary, James II daughter, married to Dutch king Raised an army in 1688 and “invaded” England James II and young son fled to France William and Mary took over with only a little bloodshed Offered the throne by Parliament in 1689 Passed the English Bill of Rights – 1689 Also passed the Toleration Act – passed for Puritans to worship freely Passed a constitution, led to a constitutional monarchy